Career Advice & Direction...MAAT and PQ ACCA

mickchagnet Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
Hi Guys,

I would appreciate any thoughts, opinions and advice on my current post and situation.

I have been an accountant of some sort for the past ten years and after a car accident 3 years ago i never got round to completing my ACCA qualification. I sat the tax exam in december and i feel like i have lost all motivation and passion to succeed. My current position is a Management Accountant position in London and my job is fine i just feel like i have more to offer and i am looking for some guidance.

If i were to look for a new position in the same industry what are the kind of positions that my skills would be transferable, i keep looking at Management Accountant positions but i feel like i might enjoy certain analyst roles more than my current role. Any recommendations or job titles i should look out for?

Also the MAIN thing i would like to ask, is about career change and how my skills would transfer into an entry level position in another industry. Any possible industries and positions and how i could go about it? or would i have to stop everything and start again from scratch (surely my skills must be transferable). With my current injury problems it is hard for me to go on sitting at a desk 8 hours a day and i am feeling kind of trapped so any help with this or advice would be massive for me.

Thanks for your time.
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