Salary advice

Chapman Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
I would be very grateful for any advice anyone may be able to offer on this subject.

I have recently qualified Technician and have now received my full membership and therefore would be looking to be promoted from my current apprenticeship salary (due to my employer funding me through college) to a reasonable salary. I have, however, been in the same job since I left school and have no idea what figure to be fighting for if nothing happens at salary review!

I work in the accounts department of an Insurance brokers in a small village just outside of Folkestone & my duties include:
Settling insurer accounts, processing client cheques and refunds, banking client monies, processing invoices and reconciliations on sage, end of month/year processes, dealing with BACS payments to other companies & from clients and organising working hours for part time staff within the department and sufficient work to cover these hours.

These are my general duties with a few extra bits thrown in during times of my manager being away from the office, if anyone could give any advice of an estimated salary figure it would be much appreciated!


  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    What is your current salary?

    Will you be receiving any extra responsibilities due to qualification? Promotion even?
  • Chapman
    Chapman Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Currently £11,000.

    We are, at the moment, in the process of being taken over, but nothing is changing with that for a few months so that wont have any affect at the moment apart from it has been said that my manager would be out at other offices so I would be in charge here, but my manager has had a lot of back trouble and a lot of time off sick, so I have had learn all her duties anyway.

  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    £11k Jesus, some employers take the p*ss. Worst of all we're in a recession so they can get away with it.

    Salary is discussed quite often on these forums and I'm afraid I don't recall anybody posting a significant rise just for qualifying AAT. I think you will remain on the wrong side of £15k.

    But you may have a case with the story about your manager so see what you can squeeze out of them. Don't ask don't get.
  • burg
    burg Registered, Moderator Posts: 1,438 mod
    I started employment in a practice at the start of technician level on £11,500.

    After I qualified in June 08 I was offered £800 increase per year i.e. £12,300.

    I managed to get £16k plus study support for chartered, still not great but a good rise can be done! It was a better market for moving then though.

    Best of luck.

  • Chapman
    Chapman Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    Sonny_L wrote: »
    £11k Jesus, some employers take the p*ss. Worst of all we're in a recession so they can get away with it.

    Salary is discussed quite often on these forums and I'm afraid I don't recall anybody posting a significant rise just for qualifying AAT. I think you will remain on the wrong side of £15k.

    But you may have a case with the story about your manager so see what you can squeeze out of them. Don't ask don't get.

    Thats what I always say. Will just have to see what happens at salary review and then see what I can do from there!

    Yep, its awful! Even my MD's daughters come in & do filing for underwriters during the summer holidays & get paid (per hr) £1 less than me!!!

    Thanks for replying anyway, I didnt think anyone would take any notice!
  • Sonny_L
    Sonny_L Registered Posts: 201 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    You're welcome and good luck!
  • deanshepherd
    deanshepherd Registered Posts: 1,809 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    I don't know your working hours but if they are a standard 7.5 per day Monday to Friday then that is below the National Minimum Wage, assuming you are at least 22 years of age.
  • Chapman
    Chapman Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
    For the sake of not getting anyone into trouble my exact salary £11,004 on 35 hour week, so its above minimum wage, and im 23! But thanks for the concern!
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