Passed FNST :)))))))))

uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
So, I sat FNST just over 4 weeks ago on the 5th August, and I've been checking "my exam results" on a daily basis for the last 10 days .

This evening it showed up FNST COMPTETENT in the "exam results" part of the site. I was so taken aback that I screamed with joy - I was so convinced I had failed this paper !

Just having a glass (or two) of wine now to celebrate :) Usually don't get chance to have a drink of an evening with the studying to fit in, but I'm taking the night off tonight !

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  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Congratulations uknitty :)

    Hope you enjoyed your study free evening?
    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • anniebabe
    anniebabe Registered Posts: 595 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hope I will be saying the same next year - only just starting what was the PEV unit.
  • jenny3549
    jenny3549 Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Ohhhhhhh - FANTASTIC - really chuffed for you, I know it was a traumatic paper!!!

    Well done :thumbup:

    Hope the same happens for me now, sat mine yesterday and I honestly can't tell if I've passed. Section One was ok I think although I garbled the stuff about IAS18 but think I could have fallen down on section 2 - I just couldn't for the life of me define prudence and I definitely messed up one of the ratios.

    I just have to wait now - but I'm using you as my inspiration!!!
  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks eveyone.

    Jo - yes it was good to have an impromptu night off :) Today is my day off work, so as soon as my daughter decides to (finally) have a nap I think I may have a quick revise of the topics I was going to do last night!

    Annie - I've almost finished working through the Osbourne textbooks for budgeting. I know you have already done this one. Seems like we are doing our units in reverse order to one another ! I'm keeping my textbooks for reference until I finish the course, but if you want my BPP Pocket notes for FNST you can have them ?

    Jenny - I know how you feel- it is so hard to know how you have done on FNST. I just didn't know if I had written enough - and even if I had written enough, was it enough of the right things ! Prudence is a pretty tough word to describe - and in exam conditions the more you think about something the further it gets from the tip of your tounge. I had a complete blank on consolidated statements (and I had practiced TONS of those questions), as you know I was absolutely convinced I had failed, but it turned out OK. The waiting is so tough though.... lets hope you don't have to wait too long to find out !
  • jenny3549
    jenny3549 Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    uknitty wrote: »
    Thanks eveyone.

    Jenny - I know how you feel- it is so hard to know how you have done on FNST. I just didn't know if I had written enough - and even if I had written enough, was it enough of the right things ! Prudence is a pretty tough word to describe - and in exam conditions the more you think about something the further it gets from the tip of your tounge. I had a complete blank on consolidated statements (and I had practiced TONS of those questions), as you know I was absolutely convinced I had failed, but it turned out OK. The waiting is so tough though.... lets hope you don't have to wait too long to find out !

    Thanks hon. I'm hoping too. I was kind of figuring that doing the exam outside of the busy season might make it a bit quicker to receive the results. I'm going on to budgeting next, like you, and the thought of immersing myself in that only to have to go back to financial statements in a month or so if I need to resit, is horrible!

    You're right about the exams. I'd practiced so many questions (from every book I could get my hands on) but I still had stuff I'd never seen before. I had a wobbly minute in my consolidated SFP when I had to account for provision for unrealised profit - only ever seen that in the consolidated income statement. Hope I did it right!
  • Dsindle
    Dsindle Registered Posts: 39 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi, I sat my FNST on 5th August and got the results today, so hopefully that means everyone gets them a little quicker during the 'quiet' period! Good Luck
  • babsa
    babsa Registered Posts: 118 Dedicated contributor 🦉
  • geek84
    geek84 Registered Posts: 568 Epic contributor 🐘
    Good Morning Folks

    Many congratulations on passing your exam uknitty.

    I will be sitting my FNST in about 4 qweeks time - I am studying via distance learning.

    Can you advice on what particular topics I near to study more than others, in order to pass the exam.

    Thanks in advance for your response.
  • jenny3549
    jenny3549 Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Hi Geek84,

    Unfortunately anything at all can come up in FNST. The only things that you know that you will get will be drafting an Income Statement and Statement of Financial Position to start with (like the mocks). You will also have EITHER a statement of cashflows or consolidated accounts.

    Other than that there will be one question in section one on an IAS (can be any of them, no way to tell which), six smaller questions (again on any of the IASs), then a calculation of ratios and a report in section two followed by a question on the framework.

    The layout and content is just like the practice CBAs on the website.

    Good luck with your exam.
  • geek84
    geek84 Registered Posts: 568 Epic contributor 🐘
    Many thanks for that, Jenny.

    What stage of level 4 are you on?
  • uknitty
    uknitty Registered Posts: 591 Epic contributor 🐘
    Geek 84 - buy a copy of "A Students Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards" by Claire Finch. It covers absolutely everything you will need to know for FNST and explains it in a really clear way.

    Also - did you see that one of your posts was in the AAT magazine ?
  • Newbie
    Newbie Registered Posts: 229 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Congratulations, AAT is well worth all the hard work studying.
  • jenny3549
    jenny3549 Registered Posts: 472 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    geek84 wrote: »
    Many thanks for that, Jenny.

    What stage of level 4 are you on?

    Just done FNST, did Personal Tax before that. Am taking a week off and then starting on Budgeting. I'm distance learning so can do the units in any order.

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