AAT Level 4 Books Free for good home

Diddy Mau
Diddy Mau Registered Posts: 238 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

I got the following books from a member on here, Raven, not sure if they are still around.

Limited Company Accounts (Financial Statements) - Tutorial & Workbook
Personal Tax - Tutorial & Workbook
Internal control and accounting systems
Think they are BBP books, I found them hidden away, totally forgot I had them

I want to pass these on to someone else, I got them free just paid the postage. So I am going to offer the same deal again.
the Personal Tax will be a couple of years out of date, however it might have some useful notes for someone.

Is anyone interested in them all. Saves me posting individually

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  • PeterJRees
    PeterJRees Registered Posts: 3
    I am interested in these. Could you please tell me how much to post them all (to Hull, East Yorkshire)?
  • Diddy Mau
    Diddy Mau Registered Posts: 238 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Peter,
    I will try to get a price and let you know
  • PeterJRees
    PeterJRees Registered Posts: 3
    Thanks, I'd appreciate that.
  • Diddy Mau
    Diddy Mau Registered Posts: 238 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Peter

    the books I found are as follows:

    Kaplan B'Tax
    BBP Limited Company -Tutorial & Work Book
    BBP Budgeting - Tutorial & Work Book
    BBP Personal Tax - Tutorial
    AAT Intermediate Course Companion Unit 5

    To post in UK the cheapest option was £12.48
  • PeterJRees
    PeterJRees Registered Posts: 3
    Hi Diddy

    That's great, thank you.

    I'd be happy to pay £20 to cover postage, packaging, your effort getting to and from the post office etc.

    If you're happy with that, I'm not sure how we arrange payment. (I would also prefer not putting my address on this public forum). Not sure how we go ahead?

    Thanks again for your efforts.
  • Diddy Mau
    Diddy Mau Registered Posts: 238 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Hi Peter

    I will send you a private message on here, we can discuss there on address etc.
    Happy to take £15. Covers packing, I got them for postage price, so passing it on

    Let me know if you don't get my message

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