
Anyone know if there is a limit on the number of times you can take an exam within a year? Didn’t pass my level 3 MATS exam and don't want to rush into redoing it if there is a limit.


  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 519 Epic contributor 🐘
    Don’t think so. So take the time to revise. Good luck. There are first intuition videos on YT just type in first intuition management techniques there is tasks 1-6 and also if you enter excel AAT 2022 there is this guy that basically teaches you everything visually that you need to know for the excel part, I think tasks 5 and 6 if I remember. He basically shows you everything and you won’t really need the coursebook unless you are stuck on a particular area.
  • anony123
    anony123 Registered Posts: 519 Epic contributor 🐘
    If aged between 16-18 college will pay for first resit I think
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