Revision course in kent/east sussex?

PADESU Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
As a homestudier I am finding the lack of face to face hands-on guidance from a tutor or an experienced accountant a serious drawback as I am not especially confident in my computer skills. I feel it would be of benefit to spend an evening or weekday at a college or other just to check a few things out. Does anybody know of such a facility as I am slated to sit my unit 31 skills test parts 1&2 in early september and it would just put my mind at rest and give me the confidence to (hopefully) pass.


  • cherub76
    cherub76 Registered Posts: 22 New contributor 🐸
    Hi, I live in Seaford, and I am also doing to course at home. I find that my tutor is really helpful, and if in doubt I ask my boss (although not working in the industry, my boss is an accountant from a former life!)
    Stick with it, Im sure you will be fine, but I know that Denton Island do some courses, but not sure if you could just 'pop in'. But Im sure that it would be worth a call.

    Good Luck!!!!:thumbup:
  • matt31
    matt31 Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Hi i also live in seaford, what level are you studing ??

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