Life After AAT

MissJLouise Registered Posts: 4 New contributor 🐸
I'm currently studying AAT Intermediate Level ( Level 3)
I have worked for Shell for 4 months as a PA and love my job.
Althought this job involves dealing with expenses it basically has nothing to do with Accounting.

I want to become a chartered accountant so will need to study further once I have completed AAT Level 4.

Does anyone know if working in a non accountancy role will prevent me form studying further, or know of anyone who has studied with no work experience.

I feel if I continue working outside of accountancy I'm studying in vain

I really love my job and would like to stay with them for a couple of years but not if it will go against my future career

Does anyone have any advice and know where I can go for advice?


  • bevkes
    bevkes Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hey MissJ

    I think its best to get a work experience in what you want to become in the future(accountant) as this will boost your Carrer and your CV. If you really want to become a chartered accountant you need to start working in the accountancy field rather than working on something that won't benefit you in the future.
    Employers won't hire you just because you have some work experience they look at the kind of work experience that you have and if it can benefit them.

    Good luck in your carrer........
  • Nich
    Nich Registered Posts: 49 Regular contributor ⭐
    I think from what i remember, you need to have at least 12 months accounting experience to become a full member of the AAT. (after completing level 4)
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