Explanation please

Layla Registered Posts: 40 Regular contributor ⭐
Can the AAT at least have the decency to provide an explanation as to why you have deleted the thread about the ECR exam ?

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  • lv9783
    lv9783 Registered Posts: 65 Regular contributor ⭐
    i definately agree we deserve an explanation, its says when you enter the forum please use to help support and motivate each other, after an exam that was hard, that thread was helping and supporting...so whats going on???
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    Could you not ring them perhaps for an explanation? You might get a quicker response than flooding the forums with requests for explanations.

    I know it's frustrating not getting a reply to your question but the AAT do specifically state that the forums are "not a place to ask questions directly to the AAT".

    You could be posting threads until Easter otherwise.

    Kind regards
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    why have you removed it? did it not look good on AAT Brand? Why dont you have the decency to respond?
  • Layla
    Layla Registered Posts: 40 Regular contributor ⭐
    Please can you tell where then i post a question to the AAT regarding this ?
  • lv9783
    lv9783 Registered Posts: 65 Regular contributor ⭐
    I have sent an email to the james christiano guy...web aat who told us not to post before 8pm...
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    You could try emailing them or emailing their magazine. Judging by the number of threads asking for an explanation I think it might be better if someone rang them.

    The reason I say this is because other intermediate level students might be asking a study related question which might get overlooked if the forums keep getting flooded with the same question.

  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    peugeot wrote: »
    Could you not ring them perhaps for an explanation? You might get a quicker response than flooding the forums with requests for explanations.

    I know it's frustrating not getting a reply to your question but the AAT do specifically state that the forums are "not a place to ask questions directly to the AAT".

    You could be posting threads until Easter otherwise.

    Kind regards
    Surely it's not inappropriate to raise questions regarding the administration of the forum in the forum? Although, you are sadly right that expecting any sort of answer or engagement from the admins is probably wishful thinking.
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘

    But we all know that getting a response from AAT's IT department is hard work. If they want a quicker response why not ring them? It worked for someone else on here once.
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    True. Forum posts and emails are easy to ignore and the admins seem all too happy do just that. Phone calls put people on the spot. :)

    If I'm going to be picky then people should really be posting about this in the Forum Feedback board anyway.
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    CJC wrote: »
    True. Forum posts and emails are easy to ignore and the admins seem all too happy do just that. Phone calls put people on the spot. :)

    If I'm going to be picky then people should really be posting about this in the Forum Feedback board anyway.

    Did that 5mins after post was deleted....no response
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    Absolutely CJC.

    I just think flooding the intermediate forum with the same post might mean other students are disadvantaged because their question might get buried underneath all the questions asking where the ECR thread is.

    I must admit - even I'm curious as to where it is now - didn't read it but would am intrigued to know what happened!:laugh:
  • Fingersan
    Fingersan Registered Posts: 84 Regular contributor ⭐
    I saw the thread at about 9am this morning and could not see anything that was worthy of deleting the whole thread. Moderators can extract particular posts should they be inappropriate, but I have never seen an entire thread removed before, even after heated discussions.

    The original ECR thread was not overly heated, just very biased and rightly so. After an exam like that, it was good to read that the nation fetl the same way !
  • CJC
    CJC Registered Posts: 1,657 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Of course, knowing the way way this place is run it's possible that the thread was deleted by mistake and not part of some sinister plot :huh:

    I had a brief look at the thread didn't see anything much different from the usual post-exam bouquets (few) and brickbats (many).
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    peugeot wrote: »
    Absolutely CJC.

    I just think flooding the intermediate forum with the same post might mean other students are disadvantaged because their question might get buried underneath all the questions asking where the ECR thread is.

    I must admit - even I'm curious as to where it is now - didn't read it but would am intrigued to know what happened!:laugh:

    point taken, I have stopped. The ecr thread was just getting interesting this morning after people had got over the initial anger of the exam & a few valid points had been made both for & against the writing style & content.

    What is annoying is the removal and the subsequent silence as to why. Surely it would not have taken much to say so
  • peugeot
    peugeot Registered Posts: 624 Epic contributor 🐘
    To be honest I agree with CJC that it might just be a mistake if there wasn't any sort of bad language, personal threats to the examiner etc. After every exam sitting there is always a long thread slating an examiner/exam (it's usually PEV though - not ECR) and they never get deleted.

    Kind regards
  • James Cristiano
    James Cristiano Unregistered / Not Logged In Posts: 48 Regular contributor ⭐
    ECR Thread

    Dear AAT Forum users,

    Please refer to the following link:


    The Thread in question was reported to us by another forum user as it contravened the above AAT announcement.

    Kind Regards,
    James, AAT Web Team
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    Dear AAT Forum users,

    Please refer to the following link:


    The Thread in question was reported to us by another forum user as it contravened the above AAT announcement.

    Kind Regards,
    James, AAT Web Team

    13 hours after 8pm?
  • DaveIOW
    DaveIOW Registered Posts: 85 Regular contributor ⭐
    Dear AAT Forum users,

    Please refer to the following link:


    The Thread in question was reported to us by another forum user as it contravened the above AAT announcement.

    Kind Regards,
    James, AAT Web Team

    I think the PEV thread from yesterdays exam is also discussing content.....after the deadline, so when does that get deleted?
  • mehmet
    mehmet Registered Posts: 113 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    They probably didn't get the message until this morning, if the complaint was made after they left work (likely).
  • definite.studies
    definite.studies Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    I admit to reporting a post (between 5 and 6 I think) in this thread yesterday which had started to discuss figures in the ECR paper. The control button and screen that come up are labelled Report Post and pass the post number not the thread number, so I did not expect the whole thread to be deleted. There were also some angry comments about the examiner who was named, but I did not report that post.

    It seems to have been handled rather clumsily by the web team, perhaps because they do not have the knowledge to form a judgement on the content of the posts. The amount of bad feeling that has been generated makes me think that forum moderation should be more of a student relations function than an IT job. This is always going to be a problem in exam weeks, when large numbers of students will have just had a bad exam experience.

    To have removed the thread the following day after any damage to the exam integrity was already done seems to serve no purpose, other than to destroy the evidence or perhaps to act as a punishment for bad behaviour.

    At this point in time it should be possible for someone knowledgeable in the AAT who cares about student relations to edit the original thread, removing any objectionable material, and then to restore most of the thread to the forum.

    The fundamental problem seems to me that the AAT's internal organisation has yet to catch up with the developments in IT and reasonable expectations of their students.
  • twinmeister
    twinmeister Registered Posts: 122 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I hold my hand up

    I did post the name of the examiner - do you think that was why it was deleted?

    I said I thought he was a wiley old coyote because I felt the exam was less a test of our understanding of the syllabus, more a test of his ability to trip us up. If that's classed as a personal threat, well blow me down with a feather. It was meant more as nod to his ability to be wiley!

    I still think that the exam was unnecessarily complicated and don't think I'm the only one.

    I also think there are two possible explanations of why the exam yesterday was deliberately fiddly:

    a)Unit 6 has been mastered by the vast majority of students who sit it to such an extent that the margin between pass and fail has been very slim in the past few exams. Making the exam difficult means it is far easier for the markers to distinguish between a pass and fail as far fewer people will get 100%.

    b)The AAT have found income revenue from exam fees has diminished, as more companies experience commercial pressures and cut their training budgets. As a result, the AAT need more people who have already commited to Intermediate level to re-sit and pay twice for their exam fees.

    Votes on a) or b) gratefully accepted!
  • definite.studies
    definite.studies Registered Posts: 88 Regular contributor ⭐
    I did post the name of the examiner - do you think that was why it was deleted?

    No, I think it was a purely bureaucratic action by the web team - like James described it. Someone reported something so they deleted the whole thread just to be on the safe side. No great level of thought or consideration of how people might react was put into it.
  • mickeymacca
    mickeymacca Registered Posts: 31 Regular contributor ⭐
    I did post the name of the examiner - do you think that was why it was deleted?

    I said I thought he was a wiley old coyote because I felt the exam was less a test of our understanding of the syllabus, more a test of his ability to trip us up. If that's classed as a personal threat, well blow me down with a feather. It was meant more as nod to his ability to be wiley!

    I still think that the exam was unnecessarily complicated and don't think I'm the only one.

    I also think there are two possible explanations of why the exam yesterday was deliberately fiddly:

    a)Unit 6 has been mastered by the vast majority of students who sit it to such an extent that the margin between pass and fail has been very slim in the past few exams. Making the exam difficult means it is far easier for the markers to distinguish between a pass and fail as far fewer people will get 100%.

    b)The AAT have found income revenue from exam fees has diminished, as more companies experience commercial pressures and cut their training budgets. As a result, the AAT need more people who have already commited to Intermediate level to re-sit and pay twice for their exam fees.

    Votes on a) or b) gratefully accepted!
    I read your post and it contained nothing that compromised the exam in any way that I can see would give an advantage to anyone,

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