Sage VAT codes

sarahwilson Registered Posts: 567 Epic contributor 🐘
I'm having a total mental block today (that bodes well for this afternoon!!)

I;ve obviously got T1 set to 15% VAT in Sage and set T10 to 17.5% VAT. My question is if I am inputting Novembers purchase ledger still should I pick up T1 and overwrite it or T10?


  • Jan
    Jan Registered Posts: 654 Epic contributor 🐘

    They will have charged out VAT at 17.5% either way would work, but as you have created a new VAT code why not use it? As long as it will be included on the VAT 100.

    Gather you have an exam this afternoon - henece the mental block, sure will have been fine!
  • sarahwilson
    sarahwilson Registered Posts: 567 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks Jan, thankfully the mental block just extended to my normal daily tasks like work, remembering petrol and not tripping over!!
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