BPP Letters

Poppy Registered Posts: 105 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Lat time when I failed my exams (PEV and DFS) I had a week or so before the results received a letter from BPP asking me to join there study programme to get through the AAT qualification.

I have once again received this letter and am perhaps in a state of paranoia beginning to wonder if there's a link (do they know something I don't????). I've never given them my address so why are they sending me correspondence.

Has any one else just received correspondence from them......


  • welshwizard
    welshwizard Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    This could be a case of unauthorised passing on personal data by the AAT - FTC Kaplan have details of some students too and have written to them.
  • Poppy
    Poppy Registered Posts: 105 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    If it is I wouldn't be at all impressed, I'm one of those people who always ticks the boxes to say I don't want Junk mail so why AAT would think it was acceptable to pass on my info if this is the case.

    Will send an e-mail to them to ask if my information has been passed on and if I should be concerned (and who else my info has been passed to). Had only experienced this last time when I failed and didn't when I passed hence my concern.

    Thanks for your responce
  • lessci
    lessci Registered Posts: 180 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I've got mail from BPP too, I also had it in the summer, but I passed my exams then so don't worry to much.
  • Toffeemadblue
    Toffeemadblue Registered Posts: 102 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Don't worry, I started foundation in September and have not failed or taken any exams and have had two letters recently from BPP which sound exactly like yours. I just assumed the AAT let service providers access their membership lists:thumbup1:
  • Poppy
    Poppy Registered Posts: 105 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thanks everyone, managed to get hold of AAT and they said they wouldn't have passed the information on. The lady at BPP had no idea where the information had come from but would pass my query to another section and I'm awaiting a response.

    Not long now and so frustrated, just want it all to be done already.
  • sarahwilson
    sarahwilson Registered Posts: 567 Epic contributor 🐘
    I got one yesterday from them telling me I could study AAT free, but obviously when I read it I didn't qualify or their offices near me don't do it. Bummer :thumbdown:
  • speegs
    speegs Registered Posts: 854 Epic contributor 🐘
    Sarah try not to worry too much. I have been qualified for 6 months now and BPP still keep asking me which unit I would like to enroll on next. There administration leaves a lot to be desired sometimes. However, I found their tuition to be extremely good.

  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    well i got a BPP letter yesterday ? hope that not ominous for the results on the 17th ?
  • Luflux
    Luflux Registered Posts: 52 Regular contributor ⭐
    Im sill waiting for BPP to send me my books after 2 1/2 weeks and when i saw the BPP envelope i thought great they have finally processed my application. Too good to be true. They just wanted to know if i wanted to join them to study AAT which ive been trying to do for the last couple of weeks. Maybe instead of paying them to do my course i could teach them how to do basic admin.

    I do hear though that their teaching is exceptional, and is worth the wait.
  • Jon_1984
    Jon_1984 Registered Posts: 186 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    its the mbna? AAT branded credit card offers that made me chuckle...
  • welshwizard
    welshwizard Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Out of interest - how many people who got these letters have ever registered interest with BPP?

    If you haven't, how did they know you were sitting AAT exams? Surely you aren't all with the same college/provider?

    I think there are some significant data protection issues here that someone from the AAT should comment on.
  • Poppy
    Poppy Registered Posts: 105 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    AAT have denied all knowledge and say they don't pass on information, BPP are unsure where they got there data from???

    I agree does seem very strange that never having had anything to do with BPP that they'd have my address and know I was studying for AAT, perhaps that's my suspicious nature???

    Not long to go know....
  • Pigpen
    Pigpen Registered Posts: 331 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I actually study with BPP distance learning and have heard nothing from them for at least 6 months - Strange how they can write to people who aren't registered with them and us paid up folks get b*gger all - Still if I pass PCR & PEV next week I will have only DFS to do and I will be legitimately able to say I did it all by myself !

    Thanks for nothing BPP !
  • welshwizard
    welshwizard Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Whilst mulling this over, I sudenyl thought - "I wonder if people have bought books from BPP?" - If so, that coudl explain it. If not, I think it's a repea of what happened last year to my fellow students who all had FTC Kaplan letters - AAT couldn't explain how the infomation was getting out then either.
  • AdamR
    AdamR Registered Posts: 668 Epic contributor 🐘
    Whilst mulling this over, I sudenyl thought - "I wonder if people have bought books from BPP?" - If so, that coudl explain it. If not, I think it's a repea of what happened last year to my fellow students who all had FTC Kaplan letters - AAT couldn't explain how the infomation was getting out then either.
    I seem to recall having letters from BPP in the last year I was studying AAT - my college was a local training and recruitment centre, nothing to do with BPP and the textbooks we used were Osbourne so I don't think that's the link. Still, it was something to fill up my recycling bin!:laugh:
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