Results withheld!

Gherkin Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
I’d been awaiting my results from FRA and ECR and at long last when I logged onto the AAT website yesterday to find out, all it told me was that my results have been withheld. I phoned the number given and was told that it’s due to a misconduct that I caused during the exam...or whatever...and it’s being investigated now. I couldn’t believe my ears. During the exam I was minding my own business and writing the exam as was everyone else, at the end of it I gave the papers to the tutor who was in the room the whole time, and then I left and as far as I know so did everybody else. Nothing happened in the class that I’m aware of and I most certainly didn’t do anything inappropriate like cheating or whatever they accuse me of. The college is not aware of anything either and I’m sure they would have to know if anything inappropriate happened. I’m VERY angry and upset about this and find it just unbelievable.
I’ve found out that the same thing happened to another student from my class who is as shocked as I am about this.

I wonder if anyone has ever experienced this and how did you deal with it? I definitely don’t want to be disqualified for something that I didn’t do in the first place.


  • Registered Posts: 94 Regular contributor ⭐
    Oh no, that sounds harsh. So sorry to hear your problems. Let us know how you get on and good luck!
  • Ampsie
    Ampsie Registered Posts: 145 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    That sounds awful. :ohmy:
    I hope you get it sorted out asap!

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