Unit 10!!!!

tburchell11 Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐

I am just about to embark on Unit 10 with BPP home study, the information given in the work books of course is very clear, however, I am finding it hard to think of an example to use. Most of the examples given in the book are of a person working in a department of an organisation. I working in a small practice and am finding it hard to use this information on my own working environment.

Did anyone else out there do a project whilst in practice and what did you do it on?

Also if anyone has any examples of the reports I would really appreciate a copy!!!


Thank you!!!! :thumbup1:


  • garry_coombs
    garry_coombs Registered Posts: 108 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I work in practice and did my project based on a client transferring from a paper based accounting system to a computerised system using spreadsheets and the cost benefit analysis surrounding that, so buying a computer versus the time saved.

    The project itself is heavily geared towards people in company so that was the only realistic thing that I could do and I have completed it and had it signed off, it was also externally verified part way through completing it and the verifier didnt have an problems with it as a concept.

    The company I based it on was a small sole trader so there wasn't actually much to it.
  • tburchell11
    tburchell11 Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐
    That is a good idea! Thank you.

    I was thinking about doing something similar. I have a new client that came to us to implement a bookkeeping system for their shop. So i was thinking about doing a report on that and the problems they could face. I wasn't sure whether you were able to do it for a client i thought it was meant to be based internally. I have just been jotting down other ideas....would you mind telling me what you think?

    - Implementing a sustainable bookkeeping system for a shop. Looking at the effects of fraudulent misconduct by the client.

    - Looking at the system in which clients are billed and how quickly money
    is recovered from the client, suggesting an improved system to keep billing efficient, environmentally friendly and communication is maintained with client

    - Analysing the system in which clients books and records are recorded and maintained on the premises and think of a more logical solution to ensure clients are picking up their files to prevent loss of records and mix up of other clients books.

    - Analyse how well the disclosure checklists are working and whether all regulations are being abided by before a partner is signing off client’s accounts. Should there be better user friendly and efficient tools in place to provide a smoother and safer way to comply with certain regulations in the workplace.

    - Examine the way time is recorded on the clients file to ensure accurate information is recorded on how the work was completed. Should the timed be broken up in to exercise so that the information can be used for managers to recognise how long difference exercises take and whether or not clients should be billed more. Also, to recognise whether certain members of staff need to undertake training in certain areas to improve on and to make a larger profit margin (Less time spent on a job).

    Apologies if it is an essay. Also, how long did you spend planning for this and researching?

  • tburchell11
    tburchell11 Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐
    Also...would you mind me taking a look at it...?? Just so I know where I am meant to be heading towards!?

    That would be muchoo appreciated!!
  • garry_coombs
    garry_coombs Registered Posts: 108 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    personally I didnt do much planning at all really, the client i did it on was someone I already knew, so it was easy to get the info.

    your ideas seem good, but a little complicated, the project does need to make reccomendations and it seems that you may struggle to do that in some of the above ideas.

    I am not sure how much support you get on BPP home study but it would probably be best to discuss it with whoever will be reviewing your project.
  • Rozzi Rainbow
    Rozzi Rainbow Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    - Looking at the system in which clients are billed and how quickly money
    is recovered from the client, suggesting an improved system to keep billing efficient, environmentally friendly and communication is maintained with client

    - Examine the way time is recorded on the clients file to ensure accurate information is recorded on how the work was completed. Should the timed be broken up in to exercise so that the information can be used for managers to recognise how long difference exercises take and whether or not clients should be billed more. Also, to recognise whether certain members of staff need to undertake training in certain areas to improve on and to make a larger profit margin (Less time spent on a job).

    I work in a small practice and did my project on ideas similar to these - I looked at how much we should be charging clients for the work done and also mentioned improved credit control etc.
  • tburchell11
    tburchell11 Registered Posts: 25 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thank you for your reply,

    Would you mind letting me read your report?

    With looking at how much to charge clients, are you saying you included a lot of costing analysis?

    my email is tburchell11@hotmail.com

    Thank you
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I'm sorry to jump in but please be wary of sending completed projects which are likely to have your company name all over them with charge-out rates etc. You could well breach your companies confidentiality policy.
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Not only that but the AAT have asked people not to send projects out to avoid plagurism.
  • carla030698
    carla030698 Registered Posts: 112 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Im doing my project on our payroll system and thought it would be really dificult to write. Im doing it with BPP homestudy and my tutor Emma is great she guides me along each chapter giving me feedback on what I could improve on. Im just getting to the end of it now, im about to start the cost benefit section which seems a bit difficlut but never mind, the bulk is done!

    4000 words is not actually that much when you have so many sections to cover! :cool2:
  • Rozzi Rainbow
    Rozzi Rainbow Registered Posts: 465 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Thank you for your reply,

    With looking at how much to charge clients, are you saying you included a lot of costing analysis?

    my email is tburchell11@hotmail.com

    Thank you

    Thanks Gem and Bluewednesday but I wouldn't let anyone read my report anyway (no offence tburchell but only for the reasons Gem and Bluewednesday listed)

    Anyway - yes it is very costing based my report, I basically looked at our overheads, and how many chargeable hours are worked, and calculated an hourly rate to use to ensure we absorb all overheads and make a profit.
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