Annual Return shares query

SarahLily Registered Posts: 5 New contributor 🐸
Hi Guys,

I have recently taken on a new client - a small Ltd Co, to do VAT and annual accounts. The bookkeeper/administrator was struggling with the annual return (new 363a) so asked me to complete it for her. I have been given copies of the previous returns. My query is this:

Issued share capital is 100 x £1 ordinary, confirmed by the accounts and recorded on previous returns, but the list of shareholders shows only one (the sole director) having 98 ordinary shares.

That information was successfully filed on the previous return, submitted by the previous (very expensive) accountant who was also the erstwhile co. secretary.

Does it not matter that there are 2 x£1 shares not accounted for?



  • deanshepherd
    deanshepherd Registered Posts: 1,809 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Sounds like 2 subscriber shares and 98 further issues once the company was formed. Check the Memorandum to see how may were subscribed for on incorporation and then see if an 88(2) was submitted at a later date.

    I have seen incorrect Annual Returns before. It is not a big deal to correct it now.
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