What Next?? Help Please!!

DaisyBoo Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
What Next?? I completed the AAT course last year and after a break from studying am now wondering what do I do next?

I currently just 'do' the accounts in a recruitment agency but would like to continue studying, however whatever I go on to do will no longer be funded by my employers!

So I've been looking at ACCA and CIMA but just dont know whats best? Any advice would be appreciated!?


  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    It really depends what sorta job you want in the future, if you want to work in Practice then ACCA or even ICAEW would benefit you. If you want to work in industry then CIMA would be better.
  • Vixen
    Vixen Registered Posts: 2 New contributor 🐸
    Hi, im finding myself in pretty much the same predicament, although im just waiting for the results from my final set of exams! I too 'do' the accounts at a family business but i really want to get into a practice if possible, although it seems that most jobs advertised already want you to have had at least 2 yrs practice experience! Not sure what to do...any advice welcome
  • honada
    honada Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
    I am in my third year studying CIMA as mentioned previously if you intend to work in Practice ACCA is a better option, I would suggest looking into institutes or universities that provide the courses near you, also you need to decide how you are going to study, i.e. distance learning or attend courses, both would need full commitment for a couple of years and are considered expensive if funded by yourself.

    Good luck
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