
Glynis Registered Posts: 488 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Just when I thought it couldn't get worse! I have been trying to get through the IAP sim for the last few weeks.

Not only has this sim proved extremely difficult to study for given I have never done auditing before but now my college have said they will take approx 8 weeks after I submit it to mark it!

I wanted ro try to do ACCA in December if I pass DFS so that looks like its not gonna happen! I have received no help during my study for this IAP rubbish from my college so relied on here for help but to no real avale!

Does anyone else feel really stressed at the minute!


  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    You are so ungrateful!

    You have had more help from this forum than any other member I know. What you seemed to want is someone to spoon feed you. I can promise you that you will not get through ACCA with that attitude.

    I really hope Steve doesn't answer any more of your posts as obviously the help you have already had was not good enough
  • Steve Collings
    Steve Collings Registered Posts: 997 Epic contributor 🐘
    Glynis wrote: »
    I have received no help during my study for this IAP rubbish from my college so relied on here for help but to no real avale!

    I am absolutely astonished that you can say that you have "relied on here for help but to no real avail".

    I provided you with all the basic information which you needed to get a good start with IAP. I also linked articles, one of which I said to you had been written for an AAT student who was doing her auditing simulation. As I have repeatedly advised, the forums are NOT a place for online tuition and I cannot help feeling that your disproportionate eagerness to "rush" through the simulation has hindered your ability to understand the IAP syllabus sufficiently enough for you to prepare for your simulation. This eagerness is neither your college's fault NOR any of the contributors on the forums who have gone to extreme lengths to help you through your difficulties.

    As Annette has said, ACCA exams are different than AAT and they do demand a much more disciplined approach so blaming the examiner or the wording of a question at ACCA level carries absolutely no weight. Students are expected to take responsibility for their own studying.

    Kind regards
  • Ampsie
    Ampsie Registered Posts: 145 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Glynis - for goodness sake chill out!

    I too am worried about my results. I made a couple of really stupid mistakes on section 2 of DFS. I will be gutted if i fail, but know that it will be one of those things - go back learn it again and don't get it wrong next time. The paper was one of the easiest ones out of all the past papers i did!

    There is no rush to qualify. The main thing is to learn things so that we actually understand them and are able to apply them to real life scenarios.
    That is what will make us good at our jobs!

    I don't post on here that often but i do read the threads a lot. I find the advice helpful and it is always good to know that so many qualified people are here to help us and hand out advice.

    Take the advice that Steve, Blue Wednesday and others offer you - they have been where we are and know what they are talking about.

    Bottom line is in my view - if you fail an exam there can be mitigating circumstances. BUT, if you don't know something well enough and are unable to apply it to any situaution then you need to go back and learn it again!

    (can someone remind me i said that if i do fail DFS! lol)

  • Glynis
    Glynis Registered Posts: 488 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    I am sorry but a combination of a lot of strerss and study pressure means that I might have worded my thoughts slightly wrong.

    I meant that the help you had given to me was appreciated jusr that I was still struggling and still am.

    Bluewednesday , I am greatful for steve's help but just feel out of my depth with this paper. My tutor won't reply to me and her deputy says she doesn't deal with that unit.

    Sorry for any confusion
  • Steve Collings
    Steve Collings Registered Posts: 997 Epic contributor 🐘
    Ampsie wrote: »
    I too am worried about my results. I made a couple of really stupid mistakes on section 2 of DFS. I will be gutted if i fail, but know that it will be one of those things - go back learn it again and don't get it wrong next time. The paper was one of the easiest ones out of all the past papers i did!

    That is a really good attitude to have.

    I think you'll be fine. You don't have to get 100% to pass and a few stumbles here and there aren't going to hinder your chances of success.

    Good luck for next week.


  • nade1989
    nade1989 Registered Posts: 35 Regular contributor ⭐
    Glynis wrote: »
    Just when I thought it couldn't get worse! I have been trying to get through the IAP sim for the last few weeks.

    Not only has this sim proved extremely difficult to study for given I have never done auditing before but now my college have said they will take approx 8 weeks after I submit it to mark it!

    I wanted ro try to do ACCA in December if I pass DFS so that looks like its not gonna happen! I have received no help during my study for this IAP rubbish from my college so relied on here for help but to no real avale!

    Does anyone else feel really stressed at the minute!

    I no what you mean when you have gone over something so many times and nothing seems to make sense. Its might be best to ask someone to help you who has done it b4 to break it down for u. I had to do that with msp coz it was just unecessary work lol. I no how you feel. if i had done that paper i would help. Or you could try goign trough everyfing agen and try to make sense of it
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Ampsie wrote: »
    Glynis - for goodness sake chill out!

    There is no rush to qualify. The main thing is to learn things so that we actually understand them and are able to apply them to real life scenarios.
    That is what will make us good at our jobs!

    if you fail an exam there can be mitigating circumstances. BUT, if you don't know something well enough and are unable to apply it to any situaution then you need to go back and learn it again!

    All of the above tbh.

    You are trying to rush through i think. Whats the rush? This unit will help you towards ACCA so you should take time to understand it.
  • Gem7321
    Gem7321 Registered Posts: 1,438 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Glynis can I ask, if you've never done auditing at work and are finding it so difficult and not getting help from your learning provider why are you even doing the unit? Would it be better to do one of the other ones which might be more beneficial for you?
  • candy84
    candy84 Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
    I agree.
    AAT isn't a series of tests to pass, it is a badge of competence in accounting.
    Who wants an auditor who has rushed her simulation as a means to an end?
    Who wants to employ someone to be an auditor if all they wanted was a certificate to let them take another set of exams?

    Not I.

    Glynis you need to stop and think.
    Your posting doesn't say whether you work for a practice or in an accounts office of a business. Which ever one it is, if you were your boss and you had read it, would you think very highly of the person who posted it?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    You are so ungrateful!

    You have had more help from this forum than any other member I know. What you seemed to want is someone to spoon feed you. I can promise you that you will not get through ACCA with that attitude.

    I really hope Steve doesn't answer any more of your posts as obviously the help you have already had was not good enough

    And so say all of us glynis please dont take your fustrations out on us lot remember were all in the same boat and trying our best to get through this
  • mark057
    mark057 Registered Posts: 354 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    I've just read on on the posts that ACCA exams are different to AAT.

    In what way are they different? I'm considering studying ACCA very shortly so would be good to know.


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