Audit of School funds & petty cash

GBooks Registered Posts: 7 New contributor 🐸
Hi All

I am a MIP and I have been approached by my local state infant school and nursery to audit thier school funds & petty cash. I just wondered if I am able to do this legally and if anyone could give me any information /advice on this. Im thinking it will be more an Independent Inspection as apposed to an audit, as i'm not a registered qualified auditor.

Any help or advice from someone with experience in this field would be really appreciated.



  • Anne Boleyn
    Anne Boleyn Registered Posts: 196 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    School fund

    Hi GBooks

    I conduct an independant examination of a high school's school fund and am lucky that the records are always immaculate. They also refer to it as an audit but they do realise it is isn't.

    If your licence and insurance covers this area and you are confident to take it on, why the hesitation? Do you have any specific questions?
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