AAT Website problems?? Is it just me??

Miss_HJ Registered Posts: 91 Regular contributor ⭐
For the past two days I have been unable to access the AAT website during the day at work!! Has anyone else had this problem?

I mentioned it to my lecturer today who said he had had problems but brushed it off!!!

Im starting to panic as i print exam papers etc from work as no printer at home and with the exam looming......

am i alone?


  • freck59
    freck59 Registered Posts: 39 Regular contributor ⭐
    No its not just you! I've had our IT section running around for practically all of Friday as I wanted to print some past exam papers to do at the weekend.

    Then it wouldn't work for me at home either! Fortunately I've a friend in the computer industry and he remote controlled my pc. He downloaded google chrome for me and it worked from home on that - but wouldn't work on IE or Firefox. It seems ok now but when I phoned today to ask what the problem was I was told I was 9th in the queue with an estimated wait of 17 mins... errrr... no thanks!
  • Mark.Tiffen
    Mark.Tiffen Registered Posts: 43 Regular contributor ⭐
    I was in one of them queues as 8th and told 5 minutes, and then 3 minutes later I progressed to eight place! After about fifteen minutes I jumped the queue and was answered so no harm! Only ten minutes late but moving fast!
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