Hardest Yet

bambilicious Registered Posts: 43 Regular contributor ⭐
I realise that disussion of papers is not allowed!! I am not going to discuss that paper - I just think that the exam for PEV this morning was torture, the hardest yet! Left out at leasr 2 questions on each section, thats a damn fail!! xx


  • beansprout64
    beansprout64 Registered Posts: 29 Regular contributor ⭐
    I didn't think it was too bad. Thought it was quite nice compared to past papers but just my opinion!
  • bambilicious
    bambilicious Registered Posts: 43 Regular contributor ⭐
    I guess it must just be me then - i got in there and was like - oh my god!! BECAUSE THE STYLE OF PAPER WAS ONLY LIKE THE PAST EXAM 1 I FAILED ON COMPLETELY!! LOL X
  • AATmunkee
    AATmunkee Registered Posts: 123 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    ahhh u may not have failed. as long as the ones u did answer were correct then u'll be fine. I took it too and im now sat here thinking of things i could of done. what tasks did u miss out??
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I reckon part (b) of 1.1 was quite sneaky :P
  • beansprout64
    beansprout64 Registered Posts: 29 Regular contributor ⭐
    i agree with the 1.1 part b! confused me lol
  • AATmunkee
    AATmunkee Registered Posts: 123 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I agree too!! section 2 was rather nice apart from an incorrect calculation on my part.. :(
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    I thought section 1 was a bit difficult but flew through section 2.. I can't think what u meant be part b.. I couldn't get my statement to agree tho :(
  • donnaalwill
    donnaalwill Registered Posts: 116 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Yup I thouight that was a little sneaky lol Made sense when I reread though. I feel okay about that actually, I think I did the best I could have done anyway and only left one tiny bit of the last question. Will probably feel nervous when people start talking about it properly and comparing notes but as of right now I don't think it went too badly!
    Finished at 11.30 and just walked in the door freezing cold boooo! Time to make a start on PCR methinks now!
  • princess
    princess Registered Posts: 80 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hated the whole paper! Resit in June!! :(
  • katie123666
    katie123666 Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
    That was awful!!!!!!!!
  • kazseera
    kazseera Registered Posts: 87 Regular contributor ⭐
    oh gosh

    i think il be resitting in june :-( dammit
  • Jentel
    Jentel Registered Posts: 60 Regular contributor ⭐
    agree absolute torture

    2nd attempt at this paper. Passed sect 1 in June and failed section 2. This time i know it is the other way round. Section 1 was absolutely awful. I looked at it for 10mins and could not work out what to do so went straight to section 2. once i finished section 2 i tried to to tackle the 1st question. could not get my head round it and ended up with ridiculous answers for the most part. Did not managage to do 1.2 or 1.3 (no answer no mark....FAIL). I just wish that when you revise past papers they would not go and change the format. This is an exam and we are under enough pressure as it is without our minds being thrown at the first hurdle.

    Good luck to all....BRING ON JUNE 10
  • angie1
    angie1 Registered Posts: 29 Regular contributor ⭐
    Jentel wrote: »
    2nd attempt at this paper. Passed sect 1 in June and failed section 2. This time i know it is the other way round. Section 1 was absolutely awful. I looked at it for 10mins and could not work out what to do so went straight to section 2. once i finished section 2 i tried to to tackle the 1st question. could not get my head round it and ended up with ridiculous answers for the most part. Did not managage to do 1.2 or 1.3 (no answer no mark....FAIL). I just wish that when you revise past papers they would not go and change the format. This is an exam and we are under enough pressure as it is without our minds being thrown at the first hurdle.

    Good luck to all....BRING ON JUNE 10
    I did exactly the same, the first question thow me, sat trying to understand what they wanted, could feel the panic starting, so went straight to section 2, also then didnt have time to do 1.2 or 1.3. Defo failed section 1, just didnt have enough time to think about it, recon i could do it now, but with that clock ticking, too much writing it was tough, i did so much revision for this paper, am anoid with myself for geting triped up on one question, therefore not having enough time on section 1, likewise no answer no mark!
  • Rachey
    Rachey Registered Posts: 589 Epic contributor 🐘
    Jentel wrote: »
    2nd attempt at this paper. Passed sect 1 in June and failed section 2. This time i know it is the other way round. Section 1 was absolutely awful. I looked at it for 10mins and could not work out what to do so went straight to section 2. once i finished section 2 i tried to to tackle the 1st question. could not get my head round it and ended up with ridiculous answers for the most part. Did not managage to do 1.2 or 1.3 (no answer no mark....FAIL). I just wish that when you revise past papers they would not go and change the format. This is an exam and we are under enough pressure as it is without our minds being thrown at the first hurdle.

    Good luck to all....BRING ON JUNE 10

    I noticed you'd put 'ridiculous answers' I also had them to begin with, in the form of 5,000,000 grams just for the 1st answer!! But then i noticed the other quantities were in kgs so i divided it by 1000 to get the answer in kgs (5000 kgs). I hope it was the same ridiculous answer you got then at least youll get marks, even if it wasnt converted into kgs youll be fine.
  • Jentel
    Jentel Registered Posts: 60 Regular contributor ⭐
    Rachey wrote: »
    I noticed you'd put 'ridiculous answers' I also had them to begin with, in the form of 5,000,000 grams just for the 1st answer!! But then i noticed the other quantities were in kgs so i divided it by 1000 to get the answer in kgs (5000 kgs). I hope it was the same ridiculous answer you got then at least youll get marks, even if it wasnt converted into kgs youll be fine.

    i did got 5000 somewhere in my workings but i thaught this was completely wrong as the question was asking for a 'standard' which as i recall some months ago a tutor stated that a standard is one unit, so to me 5000kgs did not seem right to me. when i looked at the 'actual' given i think i remember seeing 4000kg so if this is the total amount actually used for 9500?? units how could 5000kgs be for 1 unit. i could be totally wrong about this as i literally lost faith in trying. I don't even know what answers i gave in the end. Like Angie1 i worked so hard on past papers
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