Dfs 02/12/09



    CAPTAIN Registered Posts: 6 New contributor 🐸
    Help me Messedup89

    I did not include working note on my financial statements on section one, I did every working that was required but I forgot to include them in the financial statements.


    Revenue 26000 working 1

    Cost of Sales 15000 working 2

    This is the way it should be done, but I just did all the workings required but did not indclude them in the financial statements. Will this fail me

    On Section 2 I did all the formulas correctly, did the correct calculations, but I failed to comment well. I advised her not to invest, help um stressed
  • lisajb
    lisajb Registered Posts: 1 New contributor 🐸
    Gearing Ratio

    Hi everyone, just thought I'd say that the gearing ratio was the only one that we were given a comparative from 2008 for, which was worked out as debt/equity. To keep it in line with 2008 (and I think this is what they were looking for), I worked out the 2009 one as debt/equity aswell. But, even if its been worked out using the other method, the explanation in the report should attract marks.
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