
messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
Getting a bit worried and ticked off. I sat DFS in Dec and i have IAP2 in Jan and then assuming i pass, AAT will be finished and off to ACCA. I have sent the email to AAT exemptions saying i give permission for my results to be released to ACCA. No problems.

However, i was then informed that all skills test (IAP2) must be reported to AAT by 19th January for them to email ACCA. I am at kaplan in manchester and we are not due to sit IAP2 till 22nd Jan-after the deadline!

Then i thought i had an idea. ACCA offer en extended exemption date until 28th Feb. From what i have read you have to send them your statement of achievement (no problem) AND your lv4 certificate-problem-i wont get my certificate in time to send that off aswell.

So i miss both deadline for my exemptions-AAT deadline and ACCA deadline.

What am i meant to do? I dont want to wait 6 month to start ACCA because college timetabled the skills test after the closing date!



  • JayneHogan
    JayneHogan Registered Posts: 697 Epic contributor 🐘
    Ask the AAT for help. It cannot have been the first time they have seen this happen to an aspiring accountant. Good luck!
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    JayneHogan wrote: »
    Ask the AAT for help. It cannot have been the first time they have seen this happen to an aspiring accountant. Good luck!

    i have and they just said 'if you are not due to sit the skills test until after 19th Jan we will be unable to email acca and apply your exemptions'!!!
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Can you not just sit the papers you would sit for ACCA then apply your exemptions once you've got them?
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    AK002 wrote: »
    Can you not just sit the papers you would sit for ACCA then apply your exemptions once you've got them?

    i didnt think u were allowed?
  • Steve Collings
    Steve Collings Registered Posts: 997 Epic contributor 🐘
    AK002 wrote: »
    Can you not just sit the papers you would sit for ACCA then apply your exemptions once you've got them?

    I did ACCA a few years ago now and I am almost certain you can't sit a paper and then apply for exemption. I am sure Annette (Bluewednesday) might be able to confirm otherwise as I sat a now defunct syllabus but knowing ACCA the word "flexibility" is not in their vocabulary.

    Kind regards
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    IF you wanted to sit a paper before you get your exemptions from ACCA you would need to pay for the first 3 papers and then pay for them again to get the exemptions - financially not worth it I think.

    Otherwise if your simulation is after the date then you will have to miss the next exam session unfortunately, or pay for 4 exams and sit only one.

    Not sure if you know but to get your exemptions, you have to pay for an exam fee on each paper anyway. If you pay for 4 I think you'll then have to pay for the 3 again as exemptions to be able to sit for exams in this session.
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I may be able to get my exemptions. i rang ACCA last night explaining the situation and they said if i could send them my statement of achievement AND a letter by the AAT confirming i have passed (instead of the certificate as it wont arrive in time) and get them both sent to ACCA before 28th feb then they can apply my exemptions! Yay!

    Now i just need to get AAT to write a letter for me and to get it to me in time to send to ACCA - assuming i pass of course :)
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Good news - well done.
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    thank you :)
  • messedup89
    messedup89 Registered Posts: 1,281 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    'If your IAP2 unit is completed/reported to the AAT by mid February, we can confirm this in writing to ACCA along with your updated statement of achievement by 28 February 2010.'

    Problem solved :)
  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    That's good to hear!

    I'll keep my fingers crossed you passed! :)
  • mark130273
    mark130273 Registered Posts: 4,234 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    well done to hear that but i know the date system is the worst set up that anyone could think of.....
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