unit 8/9

Tracey Fraser
Tracey Fraser Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
I know that this stuff is NOT rocket science, but i really don't get the Standrard stuff on the budgeting, i feel as thick as a brick but i just don't get what they actually asking for? and why?


  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    What standard stuff on the budgeting do you mean?
    Do you mean the standard costs per unit or are you on about something else?

    Could you please be a bit more specific?
  • Tracey Fraser
    Tracey Fraser Registered Posts: 3 New contributor 🐸
    my lecturer has given us this formula for calculating the "standard" for material variance, price and usage and to be honest its so complicated, however i have relooked at them and kind of get it now thanks.
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