Personal Trainer & accounts

Dottie Registered Posts: 99 Regular contributor ⭐
I have a new client who is a personal trainer and her previous accountant told her it was OK to include her osteopath fees and vitamins and supplements for her own use in the accounts. I feel that they are not allowable. Any thoughts?

Thanks as always.



  • Dottie
    Dottie Registered Posts: 99 Regular contributor ⭐
    Spoke to AAT helpline and was quoted two cases, one a professional rugby player who had his claim for vitamins and supplements disallowed and the other guy who tried to claim medical fees and those were also disallowed.
  • SarahS
    SarahS Registered Posts: 60 Regular contributor ⭐
    That sounds reasonable to me as neither are incurred wholly and exclusively in my opinon.

    A friend had a similar case with a personal trainer in that she wanted to claim the costs of her sportswear as work related clothing and her previous accountant had advised her this was OK. My friend felt it wasn't allowable and advised the trainer of this but she still went ahead and claimed - at her own risk.
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