Limited accounts traded 1 year but not the next.

Tracy_Rutherford Registered Posts: 19 New contributor 🐸
Could someone please just confirm I have this right. I have been asked to file some accounts for a limited company that has traded one year(previous accountants filed) but not the next (the ones I have to do). The only expense they have incurred is accountants fee's in the year they have not traded. Do I file the accounts to hmrc with the profit & loss account showing the only expense and the balance sheet with carried forward figures from previous year and with shared capital called up but not paid? Then file the abreviated accounts with companies house.

Any help would be great!

Thanks in advance

xx :)


  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    The Accountants fee for the prior year should have been shown as Dr Expense and Cr Accruals in the previous years accounts. Therefore it shouldnt show in the P&L this year.

    If that was the only transaction then the P&L will be blank and only the BS will have changed.
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