PTC Osbourne Answers

purple19m Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi all,

Does anyone have the PTC Osbourne answers that they could email me? I am desperate for them as need to do as much revising as i can fit in.

Would be grateful if anyone could email them to me at

Thanks for your time reading.


  • meibaker
    meibaker Registered Posts: 481 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    i also need answers for 2009/10 answers please
  • purple19m
    purple19m Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi someone on here as kindly sent me the answers to the half paper exams for PTC osbourne books for which i am very grateful.

    I could really do with end of chapter activities answers too though, i have completed all the questions that i have the answers too but would like to do the rest for more practice. Yes i am desperate for more work!!

    If anyone has them i would really appreciate if you could email them to me. My email is

    Thanks very much
  • purple19m
    purple19m Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi all it seems i have the BTC answers for the practice is half papers and not the PTC. If anyone has the half paper answers for PTC i would be grateful thanks.
  • Ampsie
    Ampsie Registered Posts: 145 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    purple19m wrote: »
    Hi all it seems i have the BTC answers for the practice is half papers and not the PTC. If anyone has the half paper answers for PTC i would be grateful thanks.

    Just emailed them to you!

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