Sole Practioner seeks potential partners London/Herts

Benny Registered Posts: 24 New contributor 🐸
Looking for potential business partners with fees to share the costs of running a practice.
also need someone to bounce ideas off of. I'm looking for someone in the same sort of position as me
I am only a small practioner roughly 40k fees I have been trading for four years and I am 30 years old.

I have contacted the fee broker/merger companies but they are just interested in selling my fees as none of their clients would join up with someone so small. There must beother people in the same boat?




  • Emthi
    Emthi Registered Posts: 53 Regular contributor ⭐

    I'm also doing as a sole pract. in Bucks. Can talk further if you are interested. just drop me a message then we can discuss

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