
SLM Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
Just wanted someone to clarify whether I can apply to have AAT and ACCA membership fees set off against my tax code??


  • coojee
    coojee Registered Posts: 794 Epic contributor 🐘
    Yes you can, as long as membership is a requirement of your job. Very simplified - if you work in accounts then yes, if you drive a bus then no.

    It has to meet the wholly, exclusively and necessarily test.
  • SLM
    SLM Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks, I thought so but just wanted to double check!
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Also you need to pay them yourself (sounds ridiculous but I have seen some people try and claim where their employers paid).

    I've got a blank of a letter if anyone wants to pm me their address.
  • loralu
    loralu Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    what about when your employer pays 50% and you pay 50%?
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    It's worth asking for the bit you pay for.
  • SLM
    SLM Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    Also you need to pay them yourself (sounds ridiculous but I have seen some people try and claim where their employers paid).

    Haha, I'm not that silly! My employer has paid my AAT fee whilst I have been studying but just wanted to know the score when I came to pay myself and for my ACCA membership. But thats cool, cheers!!!
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