Unit 10 - I have so far 1000 words and don't know what to write anymore!

Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor 🐘
As I said in the title, I have so far 1000 words covering all the criteria (not sure also if the report makes sense, as I "dumped" all the stuff from the project planning form into it) and now I don't know what to write to arrive at 4000 words.

Any suggestions? thanks in advance

ps. Funny that in the book the report examples are only 2 pages long, definately there are not 4000 word hahha :-) Can't we do the same? ;-)


  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    The AAT has published a bit of a report writing guide, with a layout for the report. Would it help to take that, drop your report in the proper form (write the introduction etc) and see how many words you end up with then?
  • anniem
    anniem Registered Posts: 1,326 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Have a chat with your tutor/assessor and explain the problem.

    Perhaps submit what you've done so far and by asking for their advice you achieve two things:

    * You prove that you're liaising with them - fulfilling criteria
    * They will be assessing your report, if there is something that they want to see in your report then they can tell you so you can include it

    Ultimately it is your assessor who you need to 'have on your side', we can offer all the help in the world, but I had two assessors assess different drafts of my report (the first went off sick) and it was a complete pain in the butt, because even the assessors want different things!

    My first assessor asked me to include 3 more points after reviewing my 1st draft, I incorporated those into my report, re-submitted draft 2 - only for it to be given to a different assessor - who turned around and asked for 12 more points to be included. (I wasn't ecstatic about that I can tell you, especially as I had submitted it all before December exams and it put me completely off track for revising!)

    I gave up on the word count at this point, as I simply couldn't condense anymore!
    FMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor 🐘
    anniem wrote: Β»
    Have a chat with your tutor/assessor and explain the problem.

    thanks Anniem, the problem is that my tutor is not helpful at all and I cannot even contact directly the assessor, I have already came across that one said one thing and the other one said another, so confused...

    They said they don't check drafts, just send the whole lot when it's ready....What I suppose to do?
  • mini_schnauzer
    mini_schnauzer Registered Posts: 347 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Hi Londina

    You have previously mentioned that you are doing unit 10 via Kaplan distance learning.
    The study text that you would have received with this unit really has every thing in it to enable you to complete the project. There is large sections on fraud, SWOT analysis etc - even showing examples of "mini" reports based on those subjects.
    Perhaps go back to the book and re read it to refresh your mind and give you futher ideas.
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor 🐘
    Hi Londina

    You have previously mentioned that you are doing unit 10 via Kaplan distance learning.
    The study text that you would have received with this unit really has every thing in it to enable you to complete the project. There is large sections on fraud, SWOT analysis etc - even showing examples of "mini" reports based on those subjects.
    Perhaps go back to the book and re read it to refresh your mind and give you futher ideas.

    Thanks Mini Schnauzer, infact I did take the book and copy some stuff about the SWOT analysis and other stuff, but still I need more words! However the reports in the book are only 1/2 pages long, not a good example when you are supposed to write circa 6 pages in Word!
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor πŸ§™β€β™‚οΈ
    Londina wrote: Β»
    Thanks Mini Schnauzer, infact I did take the book and copy some stuff about the SWOT analysis and other stuff, but still I need more words! However the reports in the book are only 1/2 pages long, not a good example when you are supposed to write circa 6 pages in Word!

    Have you tried the e-learning page for unit ten its pretty good
  • Londina
    Londina Registered Posts: 814 Epic contributor 🐘
    thanks A-Vic, I will try that.

    I would like to send this project tomorrow, as I'm leaving for a couple of weeks on holiday, so don't want to take it again after I come back, considering also the time Kaplan takes to review and send back the materials to the students (3weeks/1 month!!).
  • noodles
    noodles Registered Posts: 308 Dedicated contributor πŸ¦‰
    Why dont you send your report to a few of us to read and maybe we can give you some ideas. I have just completed my one and have a few changes to make and then it is a pass - so glad it is out the way, I did 4100 words in the end. Have a great holiday!
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