MAC S1 = PCR - exame June 06 Task 1.2

mmro Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
Hi Guys,

I'm going through my revision pack and I'm on the PCR June 2006 Task 1.2 , and i cant understand the suggested answers.

I'm checking the answers and I don't understand the revised production budget as follows:

Sigmas (320x1400/2000) = 224 x7 = 1568
Thetas (320x 600 /2000) = 96 x4 = 384

The bit I don't understand is the 2000 , where did this figure come from ?
Is there an alternative way for this answer ? Anyone can help with this?

Many thanks!!



  • sdv
    sdv Registered Posts: 585 Epic contributor 🐘
    mmro wrote: »

    I'm checking the answers and I don't understand the revised production budget as follows:

    Sigmas (320x1400/2000) = 224 x7 = 1568
    Thetas (320x 600 /2000) = 96 x4 = 384

    The bit I don't understand is the 2000 , where did this figure come from ?

    Is there an alternative way for this answer ? Anyone can help with this?

    In order to produce additional 1400 Sigma and 600 Theta - 4655 Labour hours are required
    But only 4335 Labour hours are available resulting in 320 Labour hours short.

    320 hours are required to be distributed between Sigma and Theta (1400 + 600) = 2000 units

    Sigma is allocated (1400 / 2000) X 320 hrs = 224 hrs (7 units produced / hr) = 1568 units under produced.

    Theta is allocated (600 / 2000) x 320 hrs = 96 hrs (4 units produced per Hr) = 384 units under produced
  • mmro
    mmro Registered Posts: 21 New contributor 🐸
    Hi thank a lot for you help ! it makes way more sense now :)
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