DFS Profoma Templates

hixie Registered Posts: 26 Regular contributor ⭐
Does anyone know if they have publised what the templates will be like i the June 2010 DFS Exam? If so do you know where I can find them

I have a good idea of what the will be like but due to the changes (like the Statement of Financial Position being a different way around) I wondered how much they will give us, will will they give us a template for the Statement of Comprehensive Income or the Statement of Changes in Equity?

Many thanks


  • rachelrunshaw
    rachelrunshaw Registered Posts: 41 Regular contributor ⭐
    hixie wrote: »
    Does anyone know if they have publised what the templates will be like i the June 2010 DFS Exam? If so do you know where I can find them

    I have a good idea of what the will be like but due to the changes (like the Statement of Financial Position being a different way around) I wondered how much they will give us, will will they give us a template for the Statement of Comprehensive Income or the Statement of Changes in Equity?

    Many thanks

    If you go to the AAT home page and type "changes to June 2010" in the search facility, it will open a word document that you can print off. It contains all the pro formas that will apply to the June 2010 sitting. The only template that is not given (according to my tutor) is the reconciliation of profit from operations to net cash for operating activities.
  • mattyj3nks
    mattyj3nks Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
    i really dont understand the:-

    - statement of comprehensive income
    - statement of changes in equity

    any help on these would be much appreciated....
  • sdv
    sdv Registered Posts: 585 Epic contributor 🐘
    hixie wrote: »
    Does anyone know if they have publised what the templates will be like i the June 2010 DFS Exam? If so do you know where I can find them

    I have a good idea of what the will be like but due to the changes (like the Statement of Financial Position being a different way around) I wondered how much they will give us, will will they give us a template for the Statement of Comprehensive Income or the Statement of Changes in Equity?

    Many thanks

    [thread=27009]Try this Link[/thread]

    [thread=27123]Try this Link for a word document[/thread]
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