tax return dates

meibaker Registered Posts: 481 Dedicated contributor 🦉
hi, i am bit confused about the tax return dates.
i thought its 31 oct for paper submit and 31/1 for the online submit!
so this question:
for the year ended 31 dec 2008, the company accountant didn't submit it until 30 Sep 2010, so how many months are they late?
the answer: the corporation tax return for the year to 31 dec 2008 should have been filed by 31 dec 2009, therefore 9 months late.
please help1


  • SLM
    SLM Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    You are getting confused between self assessment tax returns and corporation tax returns. Corporation tax returns have to be filed 12 months after the year end and payment made 9 months after the year end. Self Assessment tax returns have to be filed either by the October (paper) or 31 January (online)
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    so jan feb march april may june july august september = nine months

    Dont forget to include september as it was filed at the end of the month
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    agreed with SLM accounting year and finacial years are different in business tax LTD and PLC are taxed and submitted on their year end where as sole tradors and in the fiscal year apr to apr
  • meibaker
    meibaker Registered Posts: 481 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    thanks gurs, really appreciated!!!
  • meibaker
    meibaker Registered Posts: 481 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    can i ask a very stupid question
    self asseseement tax return is for sale trader/partnership and corporation tax is for business, am i right?
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    yep your right as in businesses being Ltd & PLC
  • SLM
    SLM Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    meibaker wrote: »
    can i ask a very stupid question
    self asseseement tax return is for sale trader/partnership and corporation tax is for business, am i right?

    Yes you are correct but also any individual can fill out a self assessment tax return - perhaps they had a capital gains tax liability, or some rental income etc...
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Also a director of a limited company will fill in a self assessment
  • meibaker
    meibaker Registered Posts: 481 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    thanks SLM and A-VIC.
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