Im feeling down.....

mattyj3nks Registered Posts: 28 Regular contributor ⭐
i am sitting pev, dfs and btc next week and am really starting to worry now, i have been revising like crazy but some things just wont sink in and i cant remember then....

eg..most of btc and most of the ratios that are covered in pev and dfs...

for btc im having to look at how to lay out each answer as its not sticking...

the written questions for pev and dfs i seem to struggle with aswell

its really starting to get me down and im starting to lose confidence....not good!!


  • jilt
    jilt Registered Posts: 2,903 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Don't worry it will pass, I felt exactly like you yesterday morning but I'm ok today. have a break it works wonders.
  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    i really admire you for sitting 3, take an hour out, do something you enjoy and this will clear your mind (not too much though lol)

    then you will feel refreshed and able to study a little more.

    You know it and you will do fine. Just think this time next week.......

  • anniem
    anniem Registered Posts: 1,326 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    mattyj3nks wrote: »
    i am sitting pev, dfs and btc next week and am really starting to worry now, i have been revising like crazy but some things just wont sink in and i cant remember then....

    eg..most of btc and most of the ratios that are covered in pev and dfs...

    for btc im having to look at how to lay out each answer as its not sticking...

    the written questions for pev and dfs i seem to struggle with aswell

    its really starting to get me down and im starting to lose confidence....not good!!

    Quick Tip:

    Write ratios/layouts down on post it notes and stick them about your 'regular places'! ie Bathroom mirror, mug/coffee cupboard, around the edge of your PC, by the kitchen sink - it isn't too late, they'll still have time to sink in!

    Also, write different things in different colours, so you can concentrate on one thing at a time and keep going back to it, without accidentally looking at the next one on the list and getting muddled up again.
    FMAAT - AAT Licensed Member in Practice - Pewsey, Wiltshire
  • noodles
    noodles Registered Posts: 308 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I have written all key things on cards and carry them with me, I have my husband test me on the ratios every night and I have put the major written items I have to remember i.e asset, liab wording in a poem format to help me remember. I find doing these things make it easier. I am sitting ptc, btc and dfs.
    Will do some old btc paper tonight for 'ppr' revision as I can never get this right.

    Good luck
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