PEV June 2007

twinmeister Registered Posts: 122 Dedicated contributor 🦉
Is it me or is this paper really tricky? The closing stock part completely threw me in 1.1?


  • twinmeister
    twinmeister Registered Posts: 122 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I meant Dec 2007 sorry
  • sdv
    sdv Registered Posts: 585 Epic contributor 🐘
    I meant Dec 2007 sorry

    are you sure there is stock in this section?

    can you specifically point the task and task sub-section again
  • twinmeister
    twinmeister Registered Posts: 122 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    PEV Dec 2007 Section 1.1 Closing stock of 50,000 teabags, which confused my answer to 1.1 a) ii) I put 8,500,000 and b) i) I use aqsc as 280,500 and got a variance of 3300 (a).

    Now on section 2.2 and still finding fiddly. Is it just me struggling with this paper then?
  • aimeexox
    aimeexox Registered Posts: 38 Regular contributor ⭐
    It's not just you, I couldn't do this paper either!! I'm not looking forward to pev on monday.
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