DFS June 2007 paper

Tinkerbell007 Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
Hope someone can help - my brain is overloaded!

On the DFS June 2007 paper - question 1.2b - drafting the balance sheet - in the current liabilities section they have only included six months of interest charges (£490)- there is already six months of charges in the TB and then a further six months is asked for in question 1.1 (journals) - why is only six months included in the balance sheet?! Should the total of £980 not be included??!!


  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    in the first question did you have to adjust the interest? on the ETB or jornals?
  • Tinkerbell007
    Tinkerbell007 Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    In the first part of the question six months interest of £490 was included in the TB but six months were not (so another £490 to be included and a journal is done accordingly in question 101) - £980 for finance costs is included in the income statement but I can't get my head round why only half is in the SFP?!

    So not looking forward to Thursday!!
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    in that case you just bring forward the figure its telling you the figures have been ommited from the accounts and they need adjusting
  • Esme
    Esme Registered Posts: 711 Epic contributor 🐘
    I think half is added into the SOFP on the trade and other payables line as it's like an accrual.
  • Tinkerbell007
    Tinkerbell007 Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thank for your help! Makes sense now!! Hope revision is going well for you both!
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