Fixed O'head Efficiency Variance????

Dimples Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
Hi All

Sitting the MAC exam tomorrow, 1st part of the paper im ok with but when it comes to variences i go to pieces, ive just about grasped the direct material price variance but for the life of me i just cant get the fixed overhead caoacity varience and the fixed overhead efficiency variance - for examle im doing December 06 paper section 2.1 b and even with the answers in front of me i just dont know how theyve come to their answer - purely cos i dont understand what im working out exactly? can someone please put it into simple and i mean very simple terms for me - im so stressed ive been sat here in tears for nearly an hour :o(

Thanks x


  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    try this link and i think it has a worked example too
  • Dimples
    Dimples Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    Thanks Taskey, but i already have this printed out and the bit on fixed overhead efficiency variance might as well be in french - i dont get it?!?!?! im seriously thinking about not bothering to go to the exam tomorrow!!
  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    also read the PAMDILL thread,

    hope that helps

  • taskey
    taskey Registered Posts: 1,800 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    dont be disheartened, i was exactly the same.

    i have trawled through posts from when i was doing variances and this really helped me.

    Fixed overhead expenditure

    Budgeted overheads - Actual overheads

    Fixed overhead volume variance

    Standard hours
    less budgeted hours
    =volume variance x OAR

    I remember this by - Silly Bloody Variance

    Hence the S in silly = Standard hours, B in Bloody = Budgeted hours and V in Variance = Volume

    Fixed overhead Capacity variance

    Actual hours
    less Budgeted hours
    =Capacity variance x OAR

    I remember this by ABC A for Actual Hours B for Budgeted hours and C for capacity varience

    Fixed Overhead Efficiency Variance

    Standard hours
    less actual hours
    =Efficiency Variance x OAR

    I remember this by Stamped Address Envelope

    Hence S in stamped = Standard hours A in Address = Actual hours and E in Envelope = Efficiency Varience

    as soon as i got in the exam room, i wrote down SAE and SBV then read the paper and once i go to this part i knew what to do, try it on some questions now and see if it sticks.

  • Dimples
    Dimples Registered Posts: 11 New contributor 🐸
    THank you so much for your help - im going to print it off now and read it 100 times before i go to bed - hopefully it will sink in (fingers crossed!) Roll on Thursday night when all my exams will be over - and if ive failed any i aint re sitting thats for sure!!!

    Thanks again x
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