PEV - Activity Based Costing??

HayleyM Registered Posts: 63 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi All,

Hope you are all getting on well with the revision and good luck for everyone sitting exams this week!

Please could someone tell me if Activity Based Costing is assessible in the PEV exams? I haven't come across it in any of the past exam papers as yet.....
I don't really want to revise for it if I don't need to as this would ne a waste of my time....

Thanks in advance and good luck! :)


  • EAP
    EAP Registered Posts: 63 Regular contributor ⭐
    I thought it was but now I'm not so sure - maybe it's only assessible for PCR? I had a look in the support booklet and it mentions it under PCR but not under PEV.
    Doesn't matter for me as I'm doing both so I'm going to learn it anyway just in case.
    good luck tomorrow
  • HayleyM
    HayleyM Registered Posts: 63 Regular contributor ⭐
    EAP wrote: »
    I thought it was but now I'm not so sure - maybe it's only assessible for PCR? I had a look in the support booklet and it mentions it under PCR but not under PEV.
    Doesn't matter for me as I'm doing both so I'm going to learn it anyway just in case.
    good luck tomorrow


    Thanks for that. I am not really sure either as it doesn't mention it in the support booklet but it does in the PEV guidance notes.
    Good Luck to you this week! :)
  • EAP
    EAP Registered Posts: 63 Regular contributor ⭐
    My guess (and this is only a guess!) is that you need to know about it for PEV in a general kind of way (eg. that ABC is more accurate than traditional methods but also more complex) but that you might have to do some basic calculations for PCR or identify the cost drivers.
  • HayleyM
    HayleyM Registered Posts: 63 Regular contributor ⭐
    EAP wrote: »
    My guess (and this is only a guess!) is that you need to know about it for PEV in a general kind of way (eg. that ABC is more accurate than traditional methods but also more complex) but that you might have to do some basic calculations for PCR or identify the cost drivers.


    I am just going to revise it and then at least if it does turn up, I will understand the general idea. Just found it in the support booklet for PEV so turns out you do need to know it!

    Thanks for your help :)

    Good Luck
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