Beth Registered Posts: 40 Regular contributor ⭐
I originally thought that the BTC module was so much more complex than the PTC one, so now i've spent loads more time on BTC and now i'm stressing about PTC!


Anyone in the same boat?


  • Lou1234
    Lou1234 Registered Posts: 210 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Me me me!!

    I read through both and really struggled with BTC. Because that exam is first I've spent most of my time studying it - now I'm thinking that wasn't the best idea I've had!

    I've done some work today on PTC and I'm thinking of taking Weds off work which can be a day dedicated to PTC!!
  • purple19m
    purple19m Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐
    I did BTC and felt confident and then did PTC which i thought was easier, now i'm back studying BTC and keep making stupid mistakes! So exhausted from studying now feel like i need a break, just got to get kids settled in bed and back to it!

    I was thinking though i feel confident with the calculations and the formats of things with BTC but keep writing figures down wrong or putting them in wrong place so i will be showing plenty of workings to show i understand how it all works even if my figures are wrong! Silliest mistakes are the most frustrating!

    Also some of the answers for the osbourne books have the odd figure wrong which is so annoying!!Either that or its me with being so tired lol
  • pirate
    pirate Registered Posts: 469 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Me too with the silly mistakes
    but i did this last year in practice in the exam you wont have all the distractions of kids, husbands, football, neighbours, and amazingly it all sort of jumps out.
    I say that but I havent yet managed to do a paper without making a mistake lol.
  • purple19m
    purple19m Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐
    That is very true, so much distraction is my house! I'm the same made some sort of mistake on every paper too!

    Definately easier to concentrate when its quiet, hope my baby sleeps through this week too, i need the rest to think lol
  • jem88
    jem88 Registered Posts: 13 New contributor 🐸
    I sat PTAX in december, I couldn't imagine doing it along side BTAX now!!

  • Beth
    Beth Registered Posts: 40 Regular contributor ⭐
    Having had that panic earlier, I have now gone through the whole of the PTC book again and most of it we have to cover in the BTC paper anyway! So I think we're going to be alright :-)

    I really don't know how you guys do it with children and especially a baby! I thought my cat and work was enough of a distraction! lol

    I'll work on PTC on Tues afternoon after the exam and then if I need anymore time, my boss will let me take a study day on Wed or Thurs :-)
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