a couple of questions

NAJC Registered Posts: 44 Regular contributor ⭐
Well done to everyone who passed :).
Unfortunatly i have to retake PCR and PEV
Failed section 1 of PCR and section 2 of PEV . Oh well.

However my college course has ended so i will be resitting in december but paying for them . But i dont know if i will have to pay for student fees to take these exams ?.

Also i have been told that PCR doesnt change , hard to believe with junes exam :@. But does PEV change ?. I mean do you still do variances and everything?.

Another question , do you think i should buy the 2010/2011 kaplan/bpp book for PEV ?.

Sorry about all the questions just so unsure now .


  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    You need to be a (student) member with the AAT to take the exams.

    Both PCR en PEV are not dependant on changes in laws/ IFRS rules and so on, so in that way it doesn't change. The exam layout didn't really affect that...

    Books wise you should be fine with no new books, however, if you got particular issues with any of your books, you could consider buying the books from a different publisher to get a different type of explanation.
  • NAJC
    NAJC Registered Posts: 44 Regular contributor ⭐

    Oh right. So i will have to pay the student fee?. Or because im under 19 and entitled to ema do you thing the college i used to go to will continue to pay ?.

    Ok so the exams will still cover the same things ?.

    Ok thankyou for your help with everything . In that case does anyone have any extra revison stuff/noted/work they would be able to send me if you do not need it anymore ?. I will be very greatful :).
  • NAJC
    NAJC Registered Posts: 44 Regular contributor ⭐

    Oh right. So i will have to pay the student fee?. Or because im under 19 and entitled to ema do you thing the college i used to go to will continue to pay ?.

    Ok so the exams will still cover the same things ?.

    Ok thankyou for your help with everything. In that case does anyone have any extra revison stuff/noted/work they would be able to send me if you do not need it anymore ?. I will be very greatful :).
  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I don't know how it works if you're under 19 and entitled to ema. So I'm afraid I can't answer that question.

    And I'm afraid I don't have any extra notes or anything I could sent you at the moment. All my notes are written and I am in the slow process of typing them out, to use as for references later, but that is a very slow process, because I am lazy and enjoying the fact I didn't have to study since my last exam!
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