Can a Full member gain access to...

AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

That and are able to download Modules - 2,3,4,7,9,11,12,15??

If so could you download them and e-mail them to me :D??



  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Tried to do so but requires a fellow member not just a lowly MAAT
  • Rinske
    Rinske Registered Posts: 2,453 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    The User Guide is designed to help you focus on your individual needs and manage your progress through the scheme. You can download the User Guide and 8 of the selected modules free as an AAT member. Please click here to download the User Guide.The remainder of the modules can be purchased directly from the AAT for £20 each. Download this order form and email it to

    So you would be able to get 8 for free as a lowly member?
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Yeah lol Ive got 8 and want the other 8 :p
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I will 'swap' the ones I have with whoever gets me the other lot so we have complete sets 8-)
  • coojee
    coojee Registered Posts: 794 Epic contributor 🐘
    All sounds very mysterious. What exactly are these "modules" that mere mortals aren't allowed to access?
  • T.C.
    T.C. Registered, Tutor Posts: 1,448 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I am FMAAT but what are these modules?
  • Andy Blyth
    Andy Blyth Registered Posts: 48 Regular contributor ⭐
    It's a course formulated by the Chartered Management Institute called Developing Professional Management Skills.

    They have provided some of it for free to full members of AAT, and the whole thing for free to members of FMAAT+.

    Anyone downloading modules and passing them on to others should be aware of the copyright warning at the bottom of the page.
    The DPMS are subject to Chartered management Institute copyright protection and the user hasn't the right to supply copies of any part of the DPMS to others without prior consent of the Chartered Management Institute or publish or sell the DPMS to others without the written consent of the Chartered Management Institute.

    It appears that you are in breach of copyright if you pass the information on to others without prior consent from the institute.
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