Fed up of ACCA Students looking down at AAT Qualified

shadeofblue Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
To those that are over sensitive please click away might case distress ...

Ok so i'm sure there are alots of AAT Qualified will agree on this one - Fed up of ACCA students looking at AAT students like substandard Accountants !!

I currently work for a firm of Chartered Accountants and have done for past 3 1/2 years.
I've completed and qualified with the AAT last year and now i've become a Member in Practice Aug 2010!!!
Big achievement for me i'm proud as its what I dreamed of ....

However some ACCA students, I'll use some of my collegues for example think of themselves a higher ranking ... abit depressing.
I feel like telling them 'I dont aspire to do ACCA (at this time) so get of my back!! ' they dont yet know that i've been setting up my own Accountany Business (mainly for a 2nd income) but I bet it will be a kick in the teeth when i'm doing well.

To all AAT students or qualified members be proud of your AAT Achievements, attend AAT events and network with other PROUD members feel the honor of AAT !!

If you are not ready or you simply not interested in ACCA at this time stuff what other people say.

AAT Qualified and Proud !!



  • Fingersan
    Fingersan Registered Posts: 84 Regular contributor ⭐
    Here Here

    Very well said.
  • PGM
    PGM Registered Posts: 1,954 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I'm an ACCA student!

    But well said.

    All I can say is don't let it get to you. Theres a few AAT people on this board with their own practices, how could you look down at that!
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️

    I think we would do well to remember that ACCA and ACA are more complicated and higher ranking qualifications, and they can do things we can't.

    But who wants to do audit, anyway?! :lol:

    Seriously, AAT covers most things anyone needs to become a general accountant in practice. The chartered qualifications cover things that I will never need, so I don't feel the need to think about them.

    If other people want to look down on people, that's up to them. Whatever. I've built a business from nothing, and we now have 2 partners and 3 staff. I'm proud of that, and that's good enough for me. :-)
  • Fingersan
    Fingersan Registered Posts: 84 Regular contributor ⭐
    Monsoon wrote: »

    But who wants to do audit, anyway?! :lol:

    Not me.... I've been auditing all week!!!
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Fingersan wrote: »
    Not me.... I've been auditing all week!!!

    Why did the Auditor cross the road?

    He doesn't know, he looked in the file and that's what he did last year. :lol:
  • Fingersan
    Fingersan Registered Posts: 84 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks Monsoon, that put a smile on my face :)
  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Monsoon wrote: »
    But who wants to do audit, anyway?! :lol:


    Been at THE BEST client ever this week, books all nice and organised etc, no problems. Was out there 4 days and got a VERY nice lunch each day for free as they have a restaurant in the complex... mmmmm!

    Oh, and i got to drive the partners Jag lol!
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    AK002 wrote: »

    Been at THE BEST client ever this week, books all nice and organised etc, no problems. Was out there 4 days and got a VERY nice lunch each day for free as they have a restaurant in the complex... mmmmm!

    Oh, and i got to drive the partners Jag lol!

    Oh Ok that sounds like fun.

    Audit just isn't my cup of tea. I shouldn't judge, I've never done it but it sounds really boring.

    Much prefer running my own practice and occasionally doing some accounts :lol:
  • shadeofblue
    shadeofblue Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    I see I've started a debabe lol ... Audit isnt for me right now rather boring sitting in a dusty storage room looking for invoices!!
    I'd rather be the problem solver sorting & putting the pieces together for auditors to tie up!!

    Auditors 'rely' on bookkeepers !! lol
  • shadeofblue
    shadeofblue Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    Just to add i've accompanied my Auditors at work on plenty of occasions .. and sense a headache coming when asked to help them!!
    so thats why I can say I feel its not for me right now..
    the travelling is nice but I do plenty of that with the clients I have.
  • Bluewednesday
    Bluewednesday Registered Posts: 1,624 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Am I an anomoly? I'm qualified certified and have never audited in my life!!

    Also MAAT and proud of it
  • wildgoose1uk
    wildgoose1uk Registered Posts: 200 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Monsoon wrote: »
    Why did the Auditor cross the road?

    He doesn't know, he looked in the file and that's what he did last year. :lol:

    That is sooo true! <insert smiley> BUT apparently a second smiley is not allowed!!
    "You have included 2 images in your message. You are limited to using 1 images so please go back and correct the problem and then continue again. "

    and now I am being told the message is too short........... methinks the Board has been at the mead wine again!
  • loralu
    loralu Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    I'm ACCA qualified but I sometimes think I shouldn't have bothered and become a member in practice instead. Where I work everyone is qualified at different levels and everyone treats each other the same, the way it should be!
  • shadeofblue
    shadeofblue Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    thats great to hear about ur workplace loralu... u could still start a practice on your own.
    Yes I suppose for some people it depends what you want to do with the ACCA qualification .

    I've become a MIP now as I really wanted to start my business now before starting a family (im 28) rather than study another 3 years .... I may later do ACCA later in life but by then I hope that my business has grown enough that i've made a solid start or I introduce a partner into my business who is ACCA qualfied
  • Marga
    Marga Registered Posts: 981 Epic contributor 🐘
    well i am studying AAT and still not qualified. OK i have only three years of experience working in finance environment doing all stuff.

    now my coworker has been in the company for over 10 years and he has been working in the job we both are doing for over 7 years, although he is not qualified and never has studied AAT or any accountancy/finance course.

    well our boss is quite happy that i am studying and asks questions and gives me little projects....the look of this "fellow" looking at me like "what you think that because you are studying you are better than me?" and also he is always hinting little comments like "you are scoring brownie points with the boss how long will take you to just sit and get a treat? (like a dog) ....arggggggggggg.......

    I am studying level 3/4 of AAT and i will never look badly to students who ask questions on level 2 or that have completed level 2 and dont want to go any further....they should be equally proud....i have been there and i know how hard it is

    so every little success even if it is little IS a success so you should be proud of yourself....and the for rest of them .....dont give a monkeys a$$
  • acsacsacs
    acsacsacs Registered Posts: 43 Regular contributor ⭐
    To be honest I used to be a bit embarrased when potential clients used to say "ARE YOU A CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT"

    Now I just say balls to them and state from the off I practice with the AAT, and state what this does and doesn't let me do. When I mention accounts up to the 5m+ mark (can't remember the exact figure), people usually tend to think differently anyways.

    If they don't like it then go somewhere else!
  • shadeofblue
    shadeofblue Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐
    Such encouraging words acsacsacs tell them again.
  • A-Vic
    A-Vic Registered Posts: 6,970 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    i hate to say it but i do have to agree with this post - not knocking the aat in any way shape or form but my expereince shows me that no matter what you know how hard you work or effort in your employment you will be seen as secondclass without them 4 little letters and it doesnt just stop with ACCA also my experience show CIMA as well.

    I wont go into details as i feel it would be unprofessional but i would give more respect to a admin assistant with years experience in practise and get them to do my accounts rather than someone with the said qualifactions new in practise.

    Sorry if affended anyone but my feelings at the mo
  • Newbie
    Newbie Registered Posts: 229 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    love the aat

    I am in the same boat working for a small firm (partner ACA) I am always put down in a suttle way for not being chartered, frankly Im happy with the AAT and have no intention on going further, my plan is to apply for membership and go down the MIP route, I do a fair amount of auditing in my role and always dread it as so boring, so certainly wont miss that.
  • wildgoose1uk
    wildgoose1uk Registered Posts: 200 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    I am sure you would actually find the same from a lot of ACA's even if you were ACCA or CIMA.
  • PGM
    PGM Registered Posts: 1,954 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I am sure you would actually find the same from a lot of ACA's even if you were ACCA or CIMA.

    Its ok, when I'm ACCA I'll look down on ACA ;)
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