Another Software Recommendation

Fingersan Registered Posts: 84 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi Guys

I know a lot of the MIP's here use or have experience of VT Accounts for statutory accounts prep, but what do you guys use for business tax comps and completion of Tax Returns? Do you guys use HMRC's online filing?

Also, with VT Accounts, do any of you know how compliant it is expected to be with iXBRL?

The reasons I ask is that I have just started as a MIP for friends and family but may consider expansion!

Thanks for your anticipated views.


  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    VT will be iXBRL compliant as and when.
    I used FTax for tax returns when I was using VT, other people use TaxCalc.
    Both will be iXBRL.
    I think FTax are developing an iXBRL tax computation to go with it.

    HMRC online? Don't swear please :laugh:
  • Fingersan
    Fingersan Registered Posts: 84 Regular contributor ⭐
    Monsoon wrote: »

    HMRC online? Don't swear please :laugh:

    Sorry... didn't want to offend, until I get some software sorted I am stuck with it !!!

    It would be good to hear what others use as well..... thanks
  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    To be fair, I started out using HMRC online for self assessments. The old CT600 was so minging I never even tried, I think the new one is supposed to be a bit better :)
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