Sage Balance Problem

bigmuggsy Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐

I've a new client who uses Sage, on receiving the info from the previous accountant I've entered journals relating to the previous year (the year end has already been processed), so that the carried forward figures match the accounts prepared. However the brought forward balance sheet now shows these figures 'wrote off' as expenses for the previous year, instead of just the balance sheet items. Is this because the year end was processed before the journals? Any way around this problem?

All help very gratefully received.



  • Monsoon
    Monsoon Registered Posts: 4,071 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    The balance sheet should show those adjustments to the P&L in the retained profit code - is that where they are?
  • bigmuggsy
    bigmuggsy Registered Posts: 92 Regular contributor ⭐
    Sorted, many thanks for your reply.
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