Awards ceremony help

shelle Registered Posts: 27 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi i was wondering if anyone can help me...

I am attenting the awards ceremony and taking my parents with me to manchester on fri.

The letter says smart dress so i take it as normal work wear etc? Also on the photos do u get to wear hat and gown? or on certain packages... I saw on previous posts last year u can get to wear hat and gown on photos when u arrive but havent seen nothing on this years and was unsure from the photo options?"

If anyone can help me I would really appreciate the responses?! Mum and dad hoping it is would love to let them see me in one as it means so much to them

thanks all and who ever is going see you there


  • MILLY21
    MILLY21 Registered Posts: 59 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi and congratulations.

    At our graduation we got to wear a cap and gown but we did need to measure our head for the hat, which may suggest if you havent given that information that they are going to ask you to wear smart clothes?? Do you have a contact number for the peopel holding the awards? I would ring them to check. If you do get to wear cap and gown a collared white blouse /shirt is ideal. This needs buttons on it because the coloured cape which goes around your gown is attached by a small hook onto your button. Either that or take a safe pin.

    I hope you do get your cap and gown, I was never really bothered with it all untill my boyfriend pushed me to go and I have to say I am grateful he did because it was a very special day.

  • shadeofblue
    shadeofblue Registered Posts: 64 Regular contributor ⭐

    and Congratulations on your invatation to the AAT Awards Ceremony. I've been on two awards events and always enjoyed them.
    When it says smart dress, yes this means to look your best as its a day to remember, you will get called up on stage individually to collect your Award ecertificate i'm sure you wouldnt want to go up in jeans ! ;-)
    There are options for you to wear gowns they are free to wear but you will have to pay for the proffesional photos if you decide to have them.

    Plus there is complimentry drinks and a buffet!
    Good luck

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