CBA Format

Paisley Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi all

Can anyone who has already taken a level 4 CBA tell me if you can read through all of the questions from the start, or is it only possible to read and answer one question at a time?

If it's just one at a time, does that mean that you cannot go back to a question once you have answered it?

I'm due to take my first CBA this week (FNPF).

Any information would be appreciated.


  • keane155
    keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    You can read through all of the questions from the start, and start on whichever one you want.

    Have you had a look at the practice online exams? They are a very similar format to what you will get in the real exam. I did personal tax in November.

    If you don't answer a question or don't understand it, you can flag it up and go back to it later - you can go back to any question though, as many times as you want - I went through the whole lot at the end of the exam to check my answers.

    Good luck!

  • Paisley
    Paisley Registered Posts: 93 Regular contributor ⭐
    Hi Emma

    I've had a go at the practice one twice. I didn't realise you could look at/start with any of the questions. I thought you had to go through them in order and didn't have the option to go back.

    That's good to know, thank you!
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