Help :Level 4 AAT - Piece of advice - the quickest way -my situation
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Hi Guys,
Sorry for disturbing you with my post but I don’t know what to do and I would really appreciate if someone could give me a piece of advice because ‘ I can’t see the light from the end of the tunnel’…
I finished level 1 and 2 AAT Certificate, respectively Advanced Certificate following the Diploma Pathway. I didn’t find them difficult because I already graduated a very good university in Economic Management in my origin country. So I’ve got a Bachelor Degree in Business Studies which is recognised here (in the UK). I’ve got also a QTS (Qualified Teacher Status Certificate) issued by GTC (General Teaching Council from England) based on the pedagogical module studied in my country. Currently I am doing a master at one of the most important universities in London which is somehow related to Business Studies, being a full timer there.
I was meant to finish the AAT technician level (4) this year but because I was accepted to this uni in order to do this master I had to slow down with the AAT exams being focused more on my master exams and less on the AAT. However, even if I’ve been working all this time I managed to pass my first M.A. session (the one from December 2010).:)
Soon, I will have to start my dissertation and I would have liked to plan my time quite efficiently including the AAT exams on my list…but because I am on the ‘old style’ without CBT exams for level 4 I really don’t know what to do...It’s too much stress to have all AAT exams in June plus my master exams which are quite difficult.
I would have liked to pass them one by one...not all together taking my circumstances into account.- master + AAT exams. I really don’t understand why AAT didn’t want to release the CBT version for level 4 for the old route cause in the end all is business.
Anyway, I’d like to be AAT teacher for a while in order to improve my CV so that’s why I have to complete all levels. I was Business Studies Teacher in my country and even if I am young my students really appreciated me.(Un)Fortunately I am here , in the UK so I need to give an impulse to my career.
Based on your experience:
Do you think that it’s better to have all exams in June following on the old version or it might be better to go for the conversion having 6 CBTs instead of 4 for level 4?
I’ve got the books for level 4 – the old version …Should I sell them and buy the other six ones?
I heard only bad things about the CBT exams level 4 …Lots of people failed. I had only a CBT exam for unit 5 but I found it very very easy …I don’t know what to believe…I used to spend 1-2 weeks for each AAT exam.I’d like to spend more now...but my dissertation is also waiting for me and in the end I am a human being…not a robot. The paper exams were somehow decent but from what I’ve read on this site about the new format – CBT exams level 4 …I’ve started to become very stressed that I might fail…and it is not my style .On the other hand I know that I can’t have 4 exams in the same time + the M.A…following the old path…I know my limits. I need to have time for myself too.
How much did you pay for the new books level 4 QVF?
What’s the quickest way to complete the AAT level 4 ?
Is there any place where I can take CBt level 4 exams but keeping the old version – Diploma Pathway for the level mentioned above?I don’t mind to have 2 CBTs till June and 2 papers exams in June ..but 4 together is tooo much..
What should I do in order to be transferred to the new route -QVF? I’ve got my AAT membership active.
I heard that you need to be registered also with Premier or Kaplan Distance Learning or BPP for unit 10 – the project. Is it true?…I don’t want to go to college because I’m working ..Do you have any idea how much this level 4 is going to cost me following the new route?
I am looking forward to having a sign from you.Thank you guys for every little thing that you might post related to this topic( my situation).
Have a nice week!
Sorry for disturbing you with my post but I don’t know what to do and I would really appreciate if someone could give me a piece of advice because ‘ I can’t see the light from the end of the tunnel’…
I finished level 1 and 2 AAT Certificate, respectively Advanced Certificate following the Diploma Pathway. I didn’t find them difficult because I already graduated a very good university in Economic Management in my origin country. So I’ve got a Bachelor Degree in Business Studies which is recognised here (in the UK). I’ve got also a QTS (Qualified Teacher Status Certificate) issued by GTC (General Teaching Council from England) based on the pedagogical module studied in my country. Currently I am doing a master at one of the most important universities in London which is somehow related to Business Studies, being a full timer there.
I was meant to finish the AAT technician level (4) this year but because I was accepted to this uni in order to do this master I had to slow down with the AAT exams being focused more on my master exams and less on the AAT. However, even if I’ve been working all this time I managed to pass my first M.A. session (the one from December 2010).:)
Soon, I will have to start my dissertation and I would have liked to plan my time quite efficiently including the AAT exams on my list…but because I am on the ‘old style’ without CBT exams for level 4 I really don’t know what to do...It’s too much stress to have all AAT exams in June plus my master exams which are quite difficult.
I would have liked to pass them one by one...not all together taking my circumstances into account.- master + AAT exams. I really don’t understand why AAT didn’t want to release the CBT version for level 4 for the old route cause in the end all is business.
Anyway, I’d like to be AAT teacher for a while in order to improve my CV so that’s why I have to complete all levels. I was Business Studies Teacher in my country and even if I am young my students really appreciated me.(Un)Fortunately I am here , in the UK so I need to give an impulse to my career.
Based on your experience:
Do you think that it’s better to have all exams in June following on the old version or it might be better to go for the conversion having 6 CBTs instead of 4 for level 4?
I’ve got the books for level 4 – the old version …Should I sell them and buy the other six ones?
I heard only bad things about the CBT exams level 4 …Lots of people failed. I had only a CBT exam for unit 5 but I found it very very easy …I don’t know what to believe…I used to spend 1-2 weeks for each AAT exam.I’d like to spend more now...but my dissertation is also waiting for me and in the end I am a human being…not a robot. The paper exams were somehow decent but from what I’ve read on this site about the new format – CBT exams level 4 …I’ve started to become very stressed that I might fail…and it is not my style .On the other hand I know that I can’t have 4 exams in the same time + the M.A…following the old path…I know my limits. I need to have time for myself too.
How much did you pay for the new books level 4 QVF?
What’s the quickest way to complete the AAT level 4 ?
Is there any place where I can take CBt level 4 exams but keeping the old version – Diploma Pathway for the level mentioned above?I don’t mind to have 2 CBTs till June and 2 papers exams in June ..but 4 together is tooo much..
What should I do in order to be transferred to the new route -QVF? I’ve got my AAT membership active.
I heard that you need to be registered also with Premier or Kaplan Distance Learning or BPP for unit 10 – the project. Is it true?…I don’t want to go to college because I’m working ..Do you have any idea how much this level 4 is going to cost me following the new route?
I am looking forward to having a sign from you.Thank you guys for every little thing that you might post related to this topic( my situation).
Have a nice week!
You should go ahead and complete at the old standard, because you have all the books and this would be a very easy level because of your experiance, you are very likely to pass. The exams are not that hard and they allow for a lot of mistakes. I've done all the exams and made a few mistakes and still passed and I do not have an accounting background. So you should be fine. Go for it.0
One problem with your thoughts about teaching AAT is that as you don't work in accounts you won't be able to get full AAT membership and without some kind of accounts qualification colleges are going to be reluctant to take you on to teach an accounts course. That's not to say that you won't be able to find work you just may find it more difficult. TBH your degree is probably enough to allow you to teach so you don't need to complete AAT at all.0
Thank you Zakira for your reply
, thank you for encouraging me. I am not worry about the difficulty ...I am worry about managing the stress because i don’t want to neglect my master...I am a dedicated student, I like to be well prepared for each exam including the AAT exams also..I don’t want to experience the saying ..: come, seen and gone (without good results)…
Hypothetically, if I go for the old standard and fail one exam(let’s say) …then all my work for that level will be in vain...because the old standard will be liquidated in June 2011…Can I transfer the passed exams (level 4) to the new route ?? As far as I know...i don’t think so…
I’d like to go for the old route…but it is going to be finished in June 2011…
So, what should I do??
Guys, hellppp, please
Thank you so much for everything..
Anna0 -
In 2009 when my college teacher from here (London) saw my qualifications – especially my QTS which is a dream for lots of people everywhere he just said : ‘Anna , do you want a job at least as a teacher assistant till you finish your AAT?’. I’ve got 2 years experience from my country (even if in accounting we were following the French system not the Saxon one)…The French one is much more complicated but somehow it is quite similar – the basic knowledge is the same. I did the English one for two years in uni even if the main field for me was Management…
I know I am new here .I don’t dream about a top position even if I managed to become senior at work within a year. But I can climb the steps one by one..I am still young:)
Let me know if you find out something about teaching AAT.
Anna0 -
Hi Annonne,
As far as I know you can transfer to the new standards and you will be given credit for the modules already taken.
BPP have produced a fairly helpful guide to show the process. See:
They also produce a module-by-module guide of the units under the new standards...
Hope that helps,
Tim0 -
Annonne2000 wrote: ».............. but because I was accepted to this uni in order to do this master I had to slow down with the AAT exams being focused more on my master exams and less on the AAT. However, even if I’ve been working all this time I managed to pass my first M.A. session (the one from December 2010).:)
Soon, I will have to start my dissertation and I would have liked to plan my time quite efficiently including the AAT exams on my list… x
If it was me in your shoes I would finish my masters and concentrate on my dissertation. Get it completed. With masters you can easily teach at a university. Uni lecturer's salary 50K plusAnnonne2000 wrote: »Hi Guys,
So I’ve got a Bachelor Degree in Business Studies which is recognized here (in the UK). I’ve got also a QTS (Qualified Teacher Status Certificate) issued by GTC (General Teaching Council from England) ......................................
To teach on AAT you need a level 4 qualifications with some modules in accounting and finance. Although AAT would prefer their tutors to have AAT level 4 qualifications. - Good for AAT members and AAT level 4 qualifiers. To teach on AAT program you do not need practical accounting experience and therefore you do not need to be a full aat member (ie MAAT)
From what you say you can teach on the AAT courses now. However, you will have to achieve an A1 assessor's qualification or the AAT's own equivalent quals, to assess the students.Annonne2000 wrote: »
…but because I am on the ‘old style’ without CBT exams for level 4 I really don’t know what to do...It’s too much stress to have all AAT exams in June plus my master exams which are quite difficult.
You don't have to finish level 4 quals under the 2003 standards. you can enroll to do AAT level 4 quals under the new standards.
Infact it is easier to do AAT Level 4 quals under the new standards then under the old standards with the exceptions of the AAT project. The AAT 4000 words project has to be completed within 3 months from start to finish under the new standard. But this should not be a problem for you as you will have already writing a dissertation of 10,000 words plus.
The advantage of completing the Level 4 under the new standard is
1 you will get full exemption from credit management (from your level 3 diploma)
2 you can sit any exams every 6 weeks
3 you can work on one unit at a time instead of 3 at the same time
BUT most importantly the syllabus has not changed BUT assessments standards are lower then NVQ/Diploma because AAT itself is on a learning curve on how to assess with computers.
Year after year the standards will definitely rise. but currently the new students have an advantage.Annonne2000 wrote: »Hi Guys,
I heard only bad things about the CBT exams level 4 …Lots of people failed. I had only a CBT exam for unit 5 but I found it very very easy …
It's a shame that you have not heard good things about CBT. A lot of students have passed with CBT. It's easier and much better then paper based exams. The only disadvantage is that you can not show your working and therefore your answer will have to be more accurate. (and that's how it should be!)
The advantage with CBT is that every task is independent. therefore you could attempt task 8 then task2 and then task 7 and so on........
you have already sat CBT for unit 5. what is your experience?0 -
@timgriff & sdv
A BIG THANK YOU TO YOU - GUYS!You can't imagine how happy I am now knowing that i can go for the last level without any problems.Finally i can see 'the light'.Yuppyyy
Yes , I passed my CBT unit 5 in May 2010. I went to London SAM ( chose the date.The test was very very easy..The result was given immediately to me.However , I remember I found some similar questions as the ones from 2003 /2004 papers. That's all I can remember... but it is was easier than the paper one.
One question: Can I use my old books for Personal/Business Taxation if I opt for the new standard or it is better to buy the new book/s again once I am transferred to 'the new style'?
(Is it the same content ?)
One more time - THANK YOU for helping me
Now I can go to sleep happppyy happpyy happy x
Anna0 -
I am rather curious to know why you decided to do AAT from Level 1 up when your previous qualifications (Degree in Business Studies) should have gained you exemptions from at least Level 1 and 2? I believe you have wasted a lot of time studing those levels when you should have bypassed them with your degree which you say is recognised here. Again if you want to go into teaching and you already have QTS why did you not go straight and get a job in teaching? With that qualification you are elligible to teach in schools or colleges here.
What do you hope to gain from the masters degree especially if you are thinking of teaching AAT? Don't mean to be funny or anything but to me it seems a strange choice of pathways considering what you say you have already. Again why worry about the cost of doing AAT level 4 when you are doing a masters? A masters is way more expensive than doing AAT level 4, and unless you are teaching in university a masters won't really do you much good (unless you were doing a Master of Education).
Anyway if you are doing distance learning Premier Training is one of the cheapest out there. You could also check out Eastleigh College.0 -
I am rather curious to know why you decided to do AAT from Level 1 up when your previous qualifications (Degree in Business Studies) should have gained you exemptions from at least Level 1 and 2? I believe you have wasted a lot of time studing those levels when you should have bypassed them with your degree which you say is recognised here. Again if you want to go into teaching and you already have QTS why did you not go straight and get a job in teaching? With that qualification you are elligible to teach in schools or colleges here.
What do you hope to gain from the masters degree especially if you are thinking of teaching AAT? Don't mean to be funny or anything but to me it seems a strange choice of pathways considering what you say you have already. Again why worry about the cost of doing AAT level 4 when you are doing a masters? A masters is way more expensive than doing AAT level 4, and unless you are teaching in university a masters won't really do you much good (unless you were doing a Master of Education).
Anyway if you are doing distance learning Premier Training is one of the cheapest out there. You could also check out Eastleigh College.
I was thinking the exact same thing. Why bother with AAT at all. If you want an accounts qual and you've got a degree then go straight to ACCA or CIMA, even if you don't get the exemptions it's still quicker and cheaper than flogging all the way through AAT.0 -
@Henry and Coojee
My situation has not been so easy as it seems to be. There were restrictions on employment a few years ago for my country and also NARIC UK (The National Recognition Information Centre for the United Kingdom) didn’t recognize my academic achievements because my country at that time was not in the EU.
It was very frustrating not only for me but also for my teachers from here who realised that I wasn’t in the right class.The level was somehow very low..On the other hand I didn’t have enough money to cover the fees for a master straight away…I was new here …so I had no Uk work experience …I suffered a lot. But I did everything on my own and I must say that I am proud with myself. I've paid the tuition fees without asking for help from my parents or for a career loan, without living on benefits or even worse getting married for different miserable reasons…I work at the airport, in aviation ...and I know what I’m saying…
‘’Again if you want to go into teaching and you already have QTS why did you not go straight and get a job in teaching?’’ –I would have liked to teach but a self employed (the only status that I had at that time) there was only 1 chance – to be personal/private tutor but the income wasn’t constant at all…You are depending on how many students you have…I would rather prefer to work as an employee.
‘’Again why worry about the cost of doing AAT level 4 when you are doing a masters?’’ – Because I am paying for everything so that’s why I am trying to save till the last penny in order to buy something for my studies…For example , even if I am a home student this month I will have to pay £2500 – the last instalment for my master. I’ve never touched the credit card or the overdraft...I don’t like to have debts. I rather prefer to eat only rice and drink tea or water rather than to be incapable to cover my expenses. That’s my mentality and this is how I’ve been taught.
I am a partially qualified Cima student but I had to stop because even if I’ve always had an international profile I realised that this path didn’t suit me (at least for a while)…
I want to be involved in humanitarian missions. My master is in international politics and human rights. The role of teacher is very important to me because in this way I can help the others. And I am sure the money will not ‘neglect’ me…Personally , I don’t want to stay all day working in a crowded office …It’s not for me. There are people and people …Maybe I am just different but I do respect the others jobs, hopes and dreams.
Back to the initial question: Guys, have you used the books for the old standard in order to prepare the AAT CBTs level 4 on the new standard? Is it the same content of the book - for example for Personal Taxation? (From your experience: )Is it worthy to buy again this book because I’ve got the old one for this unit (old standard)?Any ideas?
How much did you pay for all books for the AAT CBTs level 4?
Where can I find a link in order to practise my cbts for level 4?
Many, many thanks,
Anna0 -
Hello Anna
Try this link (MyAAT Login required)
You will then be able to select AAT Level 4 Diploma in Accounting. This will provide you with various CBTs and study support.
Hope this helps.
JC~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~Benjamin Franklin0 -
Thanks JC for your reply!
Have a nice day - Anna! x0 -
One quick question : what books should i use for the CBT- level 4?BPP or Kaplan?
My favorite was BPP.I've got the BPP books but for the old standard-level 4.I remember when i did Adv Certif for Ethics for ex the BPP book was 10 times better than the Kaplan one.I had to buy both books (our teacher wanted kaplan) but i used just one (bpp)..the other one was part of my collection.i haven't touched it..
Thanks in advance for your answer!
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