Charity Accounts Training

columbia Registered Posts: 580 Epic contributor 🐘
Hi all

I think this is probably my first post this year, in which case a belated Happy New Year!!

I started a new job last summer and it is within the charity sector. I have been very busy learning everything related to the job, and now feel that I would benefit from having extra knowledge of the charity financial accounts and how they are presented etc.

I thought that DFS at Intermediate level used to have a charity version that you could take an exam in, however upon enquiring with a couple of training providers it seems that they now concentrate on the Ltd company element only.

Does anyone know where I could take a course in charity accounting? It does not necessarily need to be AAT related, or even have an exam element. I would just like to be more proficient as we have our year end coming up in March.

Thanks in advance.



  • AK002
    AK002 Registered Posts: 2,492 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Have a look on the ACIE website, I think they run courses.
  • columbia
    columbia Registered Posts: 580 Epic contributor 🐘
    Thanks for your help, I've had a quick look and they do run courses in 3 levels - just need to get some prices from them.
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