Level 4 Timings and Workload

Jo Clark
Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
Hello All

I am currently studying Level 3 and should hopefully have completed this by the end of March.

All being well, I then hope to start Level 4 at the beginning of April and I am enquiring as to your views on how long it should take to study level 4. Is it possible to complete Level 4 in 4 months?

I have seen a timetable for Level 4 and I it looks like I would be studying two units at the same time unless I completed the mandatory units first and then took the optional units later in the year.

I think the college have paired units that will complement each other and am sure that I have read this in other posts by current Level 4 students.

Any views, guidance and tips will be greatly received.

Thanks in advance.

~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
Benjamin Franklin


  • keane155
    keane155 Registered Posts: 404 Dedicated contributor 🦉

    I personally wouldn't be able to complete level 4 in four months. There is a lot of stuff to learn for level four. There are five exams and a project. I am just about managing with the workload at the moment, and I have been studying at college for two evenings a week since last September until mid June I think. The financial statements side has so much definition learning to it (all of the international accounting standards and terms to learn).

    I suppose it depends on how good you are at remembering stuff and whether you are working full time as to how much studying time you will get, but I would say probably two units at a time would take 3-4 months which is what we are doing at college. I suppose everyone is different though.

  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Thanks Keane155

    I did think that there is a lot to cover in this level

    Do you think it may be possible if you attended college on a day release basis?

    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Nikdoug
    Nikdoug Registered Posts: 69 Regular contributor ⭐
    I think it would be very hard going to finish it in 4 months.

    I sat DFS and finished my report before Christmas and i'm now going to be taking the other mandatory units plus personal tax, business tax and Auditing between now and 30th June. I attend three day release workshops per unit, one of these being a revision course, however they are roughly one day a fortnight.

    I guess if you could nail a unit every three weeks, maybe two for a simpler unit, then it could be done providing you have sufficient time to study etc.

    Hats off to you if you can pull it off.
  • Jo Clark
    Jo Clark Registered Posts: 2,525 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    Thanks for your reply Nikdoug.

    May I ask who you are studying with, e.g. a FE College or BPP/Kaplan/Premier etc?

    All the best for the rest of your studies.

    ~ An investment in knowledge always pays the best interest ~
    Benjamin Franklin
  • Nikdoug
    Nikdoug Registered Posts: 69 Regular contributor ⭐
    I'm studying with a South West based firm called Accountancy Plus Training Ltd, they have been very helpful and flexible. We use the BPP books along side their own material.

    All the best to you as well.

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