VT Software reinstall

spurschic1@yahoo.com Registered Posts: 94 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi All,

I recently installed VT Software and input all up to date details. Now I've just had to have a new hard drive installed, do you know if I can recover my VT Software work? Please say yes lol!



  • cobbles
    cobbles Registered Posts: 30 Regular contributor ⭐
    Do you have a back up of you vt data ? if so you can open and save on your new hard drive but if no it is probably lost, when you replace a hard drive you would normally restore a back up of your data files etc.
  • spurschic1@yahoo.com
    spurschic1@yahoo.com Registered Posts: 94 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks!Managed the retrieve everything, phew!
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