first ( possible ) client

Paul C
Paul C Registered Posts: 193 Dedicated contributor 🦉
I've been patiently advertising for a while now with the lower cost options and finally have a nibble! Huge sigh of relief.

Hairdresser, 3 staff , been going 11 months. Needs "year end accounts to submit". Seems to have done his own bookkeeping ( which I will need to thoroughly check over ) and is also employed himself ( night job ).

Would really appreciate some top tips to watch out for with hairdresser please....but quite understand if you prefer to hang onto hard earned experience. I'd just like to get and keep one client this year......

I am trying to be careful as while I think he is genuine , he probably is one of those self starters that given half the chance would like to do the accounts himself!

Thanks all


  • T.C.
    T.C. Registered, Tutor Posts: 1,448 Beyond epic contributor 🧙‍♂️
    I do the accounts for one hairdresser and they are relatively straight forward. Just bear in mind that if they are based in a salon that you cannot claim much in the way of motor expenses, but if they are a mobile hairdresser you can. They also like to claim for magazines and coffee etc, which are all fine, as they are totally necessary for visitors to salons! If they don't use a till, make sure that they are declaring all the cash income! Apart from that, good luck!
  • Anne Boleyn
    Anne Boleyn Registered Posts: 196 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Hairdresser accounts

    Hi Paul C

    Congrats on your first client.

    Firstly are they a sole trader, in partnership or a Limited company.

    Next, 3 staff. Are they actually his staff? Does he need the payroll doing? Are they paid legitimately, payments recorded in the books and deductions paid over to HMRC? Has he registered as an employer?

    or are they renting chairs and are self employed haidressers?

    Some hairdressers also sell products as well as hairdressing, might want to separate out income streams.

    Just some thoughts, by all means post again if you want something more specific.

  • Paul C
    Paul C Registered Posts: 193 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Many thanks TC and Anne - really appreciated & great advice. Exactly what I was hoping for. Another person has also been kind enough to send me some pm advice. I am feeling a lot more confident now. :-)
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