Has anyone else felt like this??

moozy7 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi -
My career is moving forward - varied work
- paper bag accounts to TB/ P&L / BS for an accountant who then produces final accounts and calculates tax
-the whole book-keeping through to TB/ P&L / BS, plus VAT returns, and payroll for a medium sized Company - quite a challenging job and I'm just about getting on top of it all after being there for a year - ie creating lots of controls/ recs etc
- Purchase Legder ( Temp ) for an international company where I learn text book management accounting proceedures.

Along the way - each step I take , whilst I know it's all what I want etc, I feel as though I'm a fraud - it's a confidence thing - I'm performing work that is really quite responsible, but it's the first experience i've had of doing it 'LIVE' as in not in a classroom situation.

I haven't made any big errors, but when does it come without the worry?

I've been approached to do the accounts for anotyher medium sized Company which I think will involve the next step - ie actually producing the accounts ( Limited Company ). As long as I ask an experienced Accountant to check my work , is it responsible of me to take the work on?

All similar experiences welcome




  • paulstafford
    paulstafford Registered Posts: 126 Dedicated contributor 🦉
    Take on the work

    I can't think of a reason why you shouldn't take on the additional work. Take it as a complement that someone has enough confidence in your ability to recommend you.

    The basic principles of accounts/bookkeeping are the same for every business, whatever it's size. Make sure you carry out regular reconciliations of the bank, ledgers etc and all will be fine.

    Will you be asked to prepare the accounts in statutory format or are they managment accounts for internal use?

    We all make mistakes.

  • CPenney
    CPenney Registered Posts: 32 Regular contributor ⭐
    I know EXACTLY how you feel! When I sit down and think about the tasks I am asked to do I know I am more than capable of doing the job but I always struggle with inner confidence. Hope it doesn't last forever?!
  • moozy7
    moozy7 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thank you so much Paul - your answer has reassured me no end....Definately management , which I'm more confident about because I have more experience , I'm not sure about the statutory - that would be the one i'd be more nervous about.

    Thanks as well for stating that we all make mistakes - I have this rose coloured glass view of all experienced professionals being perfect :-)

  • moozy7
    moozy7 Registered Posts: 33 Regular contributor ⭐
    Thanks CPenney

    Sometimes its nice to know i'm not the only one - you put it so well :-)
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