How much is further study worth?

hixie Registered Posts: 26 Regular contributor ⭐
Hi everyone,

This is a question I keep asking much is further study worth?

I am AAT qualified (last year) and had originally decided that I definately didn't want to continue with my studies -partly as I thought being AAT qualified would allow me to work for myself doing a bit more then bookkeeping. I never really went into accountancy as a high powered career but as a way of saying I can do what I can do. (I must also add - I love working wth numbers and seing what the mean!!)

I have had experience of doing day to day smaller company accounts, including year end finance meetings with the companies accountancy firm. I have also had experence of working in a department of a large company (accounts payable), so I have had the experience of being part of a team and the deeper accountancy queries that you get in a department of a larger business.

I have recently been considered for a analyst role within the company a currently work for(although they will probably be doing external advertising and interviewing too) and they have been talking about further study for me. I have never had a role which relates to this before.

I am reluctant to do home study (ie with BPP) as I have always done a college course where I have attended college (for my AAT) and I have always thought that this was the route for me if I wanted to train further. My work, as a rule, have said that they will pay for training but it need to be distance learning (I don't think this would be for me).

Please could anyone give me a bit of info or advice on there experience with distance learning and also attending college/university and any career experence you have had where you have changed to something you have not set out to do.

Also any info from anyone who does analyst work would be greatly appreciated, if you are qualified or training and also if you find the job interesting and why?

I'm not sure what salary I should look for in this role too, bearing in mind I have paid for myself to become AAT qualified as the company wouldn't pay for me to go to college, only distance learning)

Many thanks in advance!!
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